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Creative Alternatives to Corporate Globalization:  Next Steps...

Sunday, April 3rd


$10 at the door. No one turned away for lack of funds.

----/ Event Description /-----------------------------------------------

Ella Baker Center, The Oakland Institute, Global Exchange &
KPFA Free Speech Radio Present:

Creative Alternatives to Corporate Globalization:
Next Steps for the Movement

A panel discussion and reportback with Van Jones and Deborah James
Moderated by Anuradha Mittal

A Benefit for KPFA Radio

The event will provide a lively and informative community forum to
address the latest policies promoted by the neo-liberalist agenda, and
the global resistance movement's current strategies to build creative
alternatives to these undemocratic global initiatives.

The panelists will report back from both the World Economic Forum and
the World Social Forum, which each met this past January in Davos,
Switzerland and in Porte Alegra, Brazil, respectively. The World
Economic Forum, which invites 1,000 top international business and
political leaders, has gathered annually for over 30 years to discuss
issues regarding macroeconomics and to develop geo-political agendas.
The World Social Forum, in contrast, convenes hundreds of thousands of
social, environmental and cultural activists to formulate effective
alternatives to corporate globalization, and to build just, sustainable
and democratic solutions.

About the Panelists

Van Jones, Esq, is the founder and National Executive Director of the
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights (EBC). Headquartered in Oakland, EBC
is a national organization that challenges human rights abuses in the
U.S. criminal justice system.

Van is a steadfast opponent of policies that result in the
over-imprisonment and unlawful abuse of marginalized peoples in the
United States. He is helping to lead a national fight for alternatives
to the U.S. incarceration industry. Van has been a pioneer in
challenging police abuse, as well as the over-incarceration of young
people. He helped to found the Ella Baker Center to anchor multiple
efforts to challenge the criminalization, incarceration and abuse of
low-income people and people of color. To learn more about Ella Baker
Center for Human Rights, visit http://www.ellabakercenter.org

Deborah James is the Global Economy Director at Global Exchange, where
she has worked to democratize the global economy since 1993. She played
a key role in the hemispheric movement to stop the expansion of NAFTA to
the rest of Latin America through the Free Trade Area of the Americas.
This successful campaign paralleled her efforts to stop the expansion of
the World Trade Organization in both 1999 and 2003 with the global
network Our World Is Not for Sale. In 2004, Deborah served as the first
Executive Director of the Venezuela Information Office in Washington,
DC, an organization that reframed public debate of the exciting
progressive social transformation happening under Hugo Chávez's
leadership and successfully shifted US foreign policy towards Venezuela.

Moderator: Anuradha Mittal, a native of India, is an internationally
renowned expert on trade, development, human rights and agricultural
issues. She is the author and editor of numerous articles and books
including America Needs Human Rights, The Future in the Balance: Essays
on Globalization and Resistance, and Voices From the South: Third World
Speaks Out Against Genetic Engineering. Her articles and opinion pieces
have been published in widely circulated newspapers including the Los
Angeles Times, the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Bangkok Post,
Economic and Political Weekly, Houston Chronicle, and the Nation. She is
the founder and executive director of a new policy think tank, The
Oakland Institute. http://www.oaklandinstitute.org

----/ Venue Info /------------------------------------------------------

The Women's Building
3643 18th Street
San Francisco

On 18th Street, between Guerrero and Valencia

----/ Additional Info /-------------------------------------------------

510-848-6767 x.255

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