----> The Squid List <--------------------------------------------------

Tantric Buddhist Dance of Nepal

Friday March 8, 2002

8 pm


----> Event Description <-----------------------------------------------

This sacred dance is the one of the religious arts of the Tantric Buddhist
priests of the Kathmandu Valley, who perform it as part of thier esoteric
meditation, rituals and celebrations. The dancer, Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya
is the foremost living exponent of this ancient dance tradition, which is
virtually unknown outside the circles of those who perform it.Each dance
bodies forth a different Buddhist deity, such as Tara, Avoalokitesvara,
Manjushri, Vajrayogini, and Vajrapani. The dancer dances in a state of deep
meditative awerenessin order to bring forth the living presence fo the
variously compassionate, ecstatic, and wrathful divinities. The narrator will
provide detailed descriptions of the deities, costumes and dances.

----> Venue Info <------------------------------------------------------

Seventh Heaven
2820 7th Street

I-80 to Ashby Street Exit. Turn North (left) on 7th Street. Venue is 2 blocks
down the street on left (just past Heinz).
BART Take Ashby Street Exit. Take the #6 bus down Ashby West (towards bay).
Exit at 7th Street. Go North (right) on 7th Street. Venue is 2 blocks down
the street on left (just past Heinz).

----> Additional Info <-------------------------------------------------


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