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Fifth Annual Expo for the Artist & Musician

Sunday, April 25-Sunday, May 2


$2 donation -- no one turned away

----> Event Description <-----------------------------------------------

The Fifth Annual Expo for the Artist & Musician is not a career or business convention,
but rather a unique connection fair for the general public and the whole arts community.
Each year the Expo features 90+ arts organizations, service groups, galleries, studios,
schools and nonprofits of every stripe -- from ArtSpan to ZEUM.

The event is open to all members of the public, regardless of their professional or
artistic background. Attendees can browse the tables, meet the community, and make
professional, cultural and personal connections of all sorts. The Expo supports the arts
at the community level -- including working artists and musicians, patrons, hobbyists,
arts administrators, families, students, teachers, youth, fans, friends, audiences, and
just plain folks ... in other words, YOU.

The Expo is an exciting afternoon full of buzz, interaction and community building! You
can find a partner or collaborators, make a friend, get volunteers, connect with a venue,
sign up for classes, get involved with a local nonprofit, get a free CD critique from local
music pros, take any of a number of free workshops, and get an overview of the Bay
Area's thriving noncommercial arts community!

In celebration of our fifth anniversary, we are offering a host of FREE D.I.Y. workshops all
week long, at Cellspace and at venues around the city. Check 'em out and make the


All Cellspace workshops are at 2050 Bryant St. (@ 18th St.), San Francisco


Sunday April 25

Pirate Radio Primer
Microbroadcasting basics: Transmitters and more.
Sadie's Flying Elephant, 491 Potrero Ave.
5:00 pm-6:30 pm
SF Liberation Radio, Pirate Cat Radio, Special Guests


Monday April 26

Self-Publishing an Artwork Catalog
The art of putting your work in print.
Crucible Steel Gallery, Cellspace
6:30-8:00 pm
Therese F. Martin, ArtSpan

D.I.Y. Session #1: Indie Publishing Support Group
Feedback, ideas, methods, and true tales of self-publishing.
Intersection for the Arts, 446 Valencia (@ 15th St.)
6:00-8:00 pm
Antonia Blue/Kitchen Sink magazine
Jennifer Joseph/Manic D Press
Matt Holdaway/A Multitude of Voices
Liz Lisle/Watchword Press
Ian Philips, Greg Wharton/Suspect Thoughts Press
Juliette Torrez/Kapow! Press, Last Gasp Press
V. Vale/Re/Search  Publications


Tuesday April 27

Online Fundraising for Nonprofits
Bring a brown-bag lunch for this introduction to Internet philanthropy.
The Foundation Center/312 Sutter St. #606
12:00-2:00 pm
Michael Stein, Groundspring.org

Networking for Artists -- Tips for Success
Learn how, where, when and why to network.
Parachute Loft, Cellspace
5:30-7:00 pm
Dana Lewenthal, MFA

Permitting Issues for Art Venues
Entertainment licenses, room capacity, fire inspections and other essentials.
Crucible Steel Gallery, Cellspace
5:30-7:00 pm
Terrence Allan/SF Entertainment Commission

D.I.Y. Session #2: Indie Music Production & Tech Tips
The medium is the method: Learn to master the vehicle of your sound.
Musician's Union Local #6, 116 9th St (@ Mission St.)
7:00-9:00 pm
Part One: Making Vinyl Records (Bill Fisher/the Cubby Creatures)
Part Two: Tube Amp Electronics (Ben Adrian/Replicator, Mr. Toad's Studios)


Wednesday April 28

The Art of Improvisation
Basic skills for performance and for living.
Cellspace Main Space
5:30-7:00 pm
Kimberly MacLean/Delta City Improvisation

Arts Advocacy Do's and Don'ts
Lobbying, endorsements, organizing and activism.
Crucible Steel Gallery, Cellspace
5:30-7:00 pm
Brad Erickson/Theatre Bay Area

Risque Rhythms: Boudoir Performance Workshops
Please wear comfy clothes that you can move in.
Cellspace Parachute Loft
5:30-7:00 pm
Simone de la Getto/Harlem Shake Burlesque

Creating the Film Maker in You
Guerilla film making from conception to distribution!
Spanganga, 3376 19th St. @ Mission St.
7:00-9:00 pm
Daniel Gamburg/Bare Witness
Justin Hibbard/"Overpowering Musk"
Kia Simon/Sneaky Little Sisters Films
Jesse Spencer/ "Grapes; a Love Story"; "Corner of Your Eye"; Video Arts.
Gordon  Winiemko/"Enjoy the Sign," Art Strikes Back


Saturday May 1

How to Be Known in Six Months -- PR shortcuts and cheap tricks ...
Workshop and slide show!
Sadie's Flying Elephant, 491 Potrero Ave.
Killian MacGeraghty/the Gun & Doll Show
5:00-6:30 pm


AT THE EXPO Sunday May 2

Low Toxicity Approach to Oil Painting
Theory and methods -- samples provided.
Cellspace Parachute Loft
Jonathan Collis, Utrecht Art Supplies

Grant Writing for Nonprofits
Tips on outlining,  composition and what funders are looking for.
Cellspace Parachute Loft
Frances Phillips/Walter & Elise Haas Foundation

The Do's and Don'ts of Working with Galleries
Applying, getting in the door and thriving as an artist.
Cellspace Parachute Loft
Michelle Townsend/Hang Art

Music Business All Stars
Booking, promo & more for independent Bay Area musicians.
Cellspace Parachute Loft
Anthony Bonet/Soundsafe; KALX; former booker, Bottom of the Hill
Windy Chien/former proprietor, Aquarius Records
Kimberley Chun/columnist, former editor, SF Bay Guardian
Dani Eurynome/Daniland Productions
Jay Jaworski/DJ, former Music Director, KUSF
Jocelyn Kane/Motogirl Productions

Sewing & Costumery
For theater, film and fashion pros and hobbyists!
Cellspace Crafts Loft
1:00 pm
Erin Ohanneson/Dark Space

All day at the Expo!

Metal Shop Demo
Cellspace Metal Cluster

CD Critique Session
CDs reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis; all CDs due for review by 12:30 pm,
and will be ready for pickup by 4:30 pm.
Current and former staff from & members of Caesura, Jambase.com, KALX, KFJC, KUSF,
KZSU, High Sierra Music Festival, SFGate.com, SF Bay Guardian, West Coast Performer.

Beginner Clown Workshop
Juggling, stilt walking and the bit with the funny nose.
The Nascent Project


Produced in full by our esteemed community partners, sponsored and promoted in part
by Expo for the Artist & Musician.

Grantwriting for Individual Artists
The Foundation Center, 312 Sutter St. #606
April 20, 1:00-2:15 pm
May 14, 12:00-1:15 pm

Print with Plates -- Limited to 12 students, ages 8-12
826 Valencia St.
April 24, Saturday 1:30-3:00 pm

Make Believe Science -- Limited to 12 students, ages 6-8
826 Valencia St.
April 25, Sunday, 1:00-3:00 pm

Make Art or D.I.Y. Trying
May: Guerrilla film making
June: Laws, and ways to work with (or around) them

The Expo is sponsored in part by: The Walter & Elise Haas Foundation, the Zellerbach
Family Foundation, the Wallace A. Gerbode Foundation, Laughing Squid, Craigslist.org,
Rainbow Grocery, the SF Bay Guardian, SFGate.com, Soundsafe, Utrecht Art Supplies.

----> Venue Info <------------------------------------------------------

2050 Bryant St.
San Francisco

CELL is at 18th St. @ Bryant St. Take the 22 Fillmore bus to Bryant, get off and walk up
to 18th St.; CELL is on your right. Or, ride your bike. 17th St. is better than 16th for
bikes, but be prepared for a funny little dodge across Harrison. Bike lanes on Harrison.
Lots of bike parking at CELL.

----> Additional Info <-------------------------------------------------


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----> Laughing Squid <--------------------------------------------------

Laughing Squid
underground art and culture from San Francisco and beyond

Laughing Squid Web Hosting http://www.laughingsquid.net discounts available for starving artists, multiple domains and non-profits

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