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Stem Cell Research: Implications for the Future

Tuesday, September 20th



----/ Event Description /-----------------------------------------------

Stem Cell Research: Implications for the Future
And other September Bay-Area-Wide Public Programs for
The Nobel Prize: 100 Years
In Conjunction with the Exploratorium's Exhibition, on view through  
October 2

In conjunction with the exhibition The Nobel Prize: 100 Years of  
Creativity, on view at the Exploratorium through October 2, public  
panels and lectures at UCSF, UC Berkeley, Stanford, and the  
Commonwealth Club, that all feature Nobel Laureates and/or  
representatives of the Nobel Foundation, takes place during the month  
of September. Among them is a stellar panel on stem cell research,  
Stem Cell Research: Implications for the Future, featuring three  
Nobel laureates as well as other leading scientists, to be held at  
UCSF on September 20. The full schedule of events is as follows:


September 16
UC Berkeley
Townsend Center, Gaballe Room in Stephens Hall, 4pm
The Nobel Prize and American Literature
Featured speaker is Dr. Kjell Espmark, member of the Royal Academy  
and Professor of Literature at the University of Stockholm. Co- 
sponsored by the Scandinavian Languages and the English Departments.  
Open to the public. A reception follows the address.

September 19
Stanford University
Office of the President, 9am-2:15pm
Nobel Day at Stanford
Morning tour of Wallenburg Hall. Welcome by John Etchemendy, Provost.  
Moderator: Arthur Bienenstock, Vice Provost. Panelists: Paul Berg  
(Chemistry, 1980), Arvis Carlsson (Medicine, 2000), Svante Lindqvist,  
Geir Lundestad, and Michael Sohlman, Director of the Nobel Foundation  
in Stockholm. This program is open to the public.

September 20
Commonwealth Club
Behind The Scenes: The Nobel Peace Prize Process at Norway's Nobel  
Featured speakers are Geir Lundestad, Director, Norweigan Nobel  
Institute, Oslo and Michael Sohlmann, Director of The Nobel  
Foundation, Stockholm. Noon-1pm at 595 Market Street, 2nd Floor, San  
Francisco. $8 members. $15 non-members.

September 20
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
Stem Cell Research: Implications for the Future
Panel moderated by David Kessler, Dean, UCSF School of Medicine
The evening discussion features distinguished stem cell researchers  
from UCSF, two of UCSF's Nobel laureates (Chancellor J. Michael  
Bishop and Professor Stanley Prusiner), and visiting Nobel laureate  
Arvid Carlsson of Sweden. The full scientific panel includes J.  
Michael Bishop, Jeffrey Bluestone, Arvid Carlsson, Elena Gates,  
Arnold Kriegstein, Stanley Prusiner, and Renee Reijo Pera. Live  
discussion at UCSF Mission Bay campus and telecast to other locations  
in San Francisco, 7:30-9 p.m. Due to seating capacity, reservations  
are required. Go to http://medschool.ucsf.edu/stemcell for more  
information and to make reservations.

September 30
University of California, Berkeley
Nobel Tradition Panel
UC Nobel laureates George Akerlof (Economics, 2001), Laureate Daniel  
McFadden (Economics, 2000), Charles Townes (Physics 1964), Donald  
Glaser (Physics, 1960). Nobel experiences by the Nobelists.  
4:30-6p.m., Sibley Auditorium, Bechtel Engineering Center, UC  
Berkeley. Admission also includes a weekend of other faculty seminars  
for Homecoming Weekend. Go to homecoming.Berkeley.edu or call 1.888  
UNIV-CAL for further information.

----/ Venue Info /------------------------------------------------------

UCSF Mission Bay Campus
600 16th Street
San Francisco
(415) 476-2557

----/ Additional Info /-------------------------------------------------


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