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Everything You Know About Sex Is Wrong! book release party

Friday, Sept. 30th

8 pm

Donation at door, no one turned away

----/ Event Description /-----------------------------------------------

The Center for Sex & Culture and Good Vibrations Present a Banned  
Books Week Special Event:

EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT SEX IS WRONG! A bookparty celebrating the  
release of the very latest DisInformation title, edited by Russ Kick.  
Party and reading features contributors Violet Blue, Jack Boulware,  
Greta Christina, Annalee Newitz, Carol Queen, Lori Selke, and David  

When: THIS Friday evening, 9/30/05, at 8 pm
Where: CSC, 398 11th Street at Harrison in SF
$$: By donation at the door, no one turned away for lack of funds. We  
hope the book will be here to purchase too; some of the contributors  
will have their own books to sell as well.

No, it's not a banned book yet, but the list of cutting-edge  
contributors editor Russ Kick has assembled for the notorious  
DisInformation's foray into all things sexual, and we do pretty much  
mean all, means that it might be only a matter of time before some  
small-town preacher takes umbrage! So join us to celebrate forbidden  
knowledge while supporting the Center for Sex & Culture, which  
collects banned sex books (and all the rest of them, too) for its  
library, making them available to scholars and everybody else. (Who  
knows, we might make enough at the door to buy a copy of Lynne  
Cheney's very rare, practically banned lesbian novel!)

About CSC: www.sexandculture.org. Join our email list for twice- 
monthly updates! About Good Vibrations: www.goodvibes.com. Don't miss  
the Good Vibes Magazine, online at the site!

----/ Venue Info /------------------------------------------------------

The Center for Sex & Culture
398 11th at Harrison
San Francisco
415 255-1155

----/ Additional Info /-------------------------------------------------


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