----/ The Squid List /--------------------------------------------------

An evening with Torsten Kretchzmar & Moped

Friday, September 30th



----/ Event Description /-----------------------------------------------

Torsten Kretchzmar, the German electro pop performer, is described as  
the love child of Kraftwerk and Sprockets and is now bringing you the  
next best German word since Fahrvergnugen with his project  
"Entschlossenheit". His lyrics are interpreted by the abstract dance  
artist Tanner Coleman Stewart.

Torsten Kretchzmar rocks the soft-spoken, androgynous artist to a tee  
in this excellent techno concept project. With a dead-pan behind-the- 
scenes documentary and videos complete with Oskar Schlemmer-esque  
dance moves and over-the-top filters, it's not only solidly catchy,  
teutonic music, but a completely fun and inspiring Gesamtkunstwerk.  
At ATA he will present his DVD "Entschlossenheit" in a live  
multimedia show with a special perfromance of "Dunkelheit" and  
"Feuchtigkeit"! www.kretchzmar.com

Also, fearing that the tagline "live electronica" has become a catch- 
all for any knob-twiddler attempting to incorporate an actual  
synthesizer into his or her set, Mission District multimedia trio  
Moped prefer to call a spade a spade. In this case (real-) live  
instrumentation and laptop-generated soundscapes compliment the  
oddball visuals of video wizard Cripes! in creating an AV feast to  
shake your booty to.

Blending hip-hop, Progression Sessions-minded jazz'n'bass, and the  
improvisatory spirit of --dare I say-- a jam band (think Soundtribe  
Sector 9), Moped's eclecticism plays to the genre-hopping music lover  
in us all.

----/ Venue Info /------------------------------------------------------

Artists' Television Access
992 Valencia Street @ 21st
San Francisco

----/ Additional Info /-------------------------------------------------


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