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Nuestra Lucha Es De Todos - Our Struggle is Everyone's Struggle

Thursday, June 8


$5-15 donation, no one turned away

----/ Event Description /-----------------------------------------------

Nuestra Lucha Es De Todos - Our Struggle is Everyone's Struggle
  An Evening Inspired by Indigenous Organizing in Oaxaca, Mexico

Thursday, June 8, 2006.  7:00 pm

7:30 pm
Film Screening:
"Nuestra Lucha por Vivir/Our Struggle to Live"

8:00 pm
report-back on current political situation
and organizing in Chiapas and Oaxaca

8:30 pm
exhibit of artwork inspired by film

New College of California
776 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA  94110

  fundraiser for the Chiapas Peace House Project, UCIZONI and Otro  
$5-$15 donation, no one turned away for lack of funds
artwork will also be available for sale

About the Film:  "Our Struggle to Live, Building People's  
Alternatives" (Nuestra Lucha Por Vivir, Construyendo Alternativas  
Para los Pueblos ) presents the struggle of indigenous communities in  
the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, to survive in the face of  
economic and cultural marginalization heightened by the current  
global economy.
The film profiles five alternative economic projects initiated within  
these communities: a group of fish farmers working to better their  
sustainability and farming practices; a women's textile cooperative;  
a cooperative formed to make and sell totopo, the local equivalent of  
tortillas; a group organizing to sustainably farm ixtle, a plant that  
produces fibers for making ropes and cords; and a women's cattle  
breeding and dairy collective.

Members of these collectives speak to the difficulties they face due  
to the forces of neoliberal globalization, which lead many people  
from the region to migrate to the United States seeking work. The  
alternative economic programs they are developing, as well as other  
projects to revive and maintain indigenous culture and traditions,  
are tools in their struggle to survive as communities and to create a  
sustainable relationship with the land.

The testimonies and images make the case that another world and a  
different future are, indeed, possible.
The film was produced by the Union of Indigenous Communities in the  
Northern Zone of the Isthmus (UCIZONI), and directed, filmed and  
edited by Violeta Chávez Regalado and Bertha Rodríguez Santos.
More Information:  www.chiapaspeacehouse.org

----/ Venue Info /------------------------------------------------------

New College
777 Valencia
San Francisco
  (415) 437-3400

777 Valencia, San Francisco (near 16th St. Mission BART)

----/ Additional Info /-------------------------------------------------

  (415) 437-3400

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