----/ The Squid List /-------------------------------------------------- Dairy Documentary World Premier
Wednesday, June 28 7:30 pm $5 donations are accepted ----/ Event Description /----------------------------------------------- EAST BAY ANIMAL ADVOCATES' DAIRY DOCUMENTARY WORLD PREMIER Presented by Christine Morrissey East Bay Animal Advocates One out of every five dairy cows in the U.S. are raised in California. But California's dairy practices have a horrible effect on animal welfare, environmental sustainability, public health, and occupational safety. Regarding the cows, the pasture-less dry lot system of dairy farming increases infection, disease, and injury in the over-crowded cow population. Dairy cows frequently become ill with Laminitis, Johne's Disease, Milk Fever, Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus, and Bovine Leukemia Virus. Commercial cows produce milk for typically seven months of their ninth-month gestation period. But to increase milk production, cows are injected with Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH), which is harmful to the mother as well as her calf. Regarding the environment, one 1,200-pound dairy cow produces the same amount of waste as 23 humans. Over thirty million tons of waste is created by California's 1.5 million dairy cows every year. The air in California' s dairy-rich San Joaquin Valley is now among the dirtiest in the nation, recording more eight-hour ozone level violations than Los Angeles. Cow manure possesses nitrogen compounds which overwhelms waterways. Algal blooms develop as a result of the contamination. Thereafter, nitrogen can pollute groundwater and wells, thereby contaminating drinking water. Regarding public health and occupational safety, California dairies have one of the highest rates of worker injury incidents anywhere. Not long ago, two dairy employees, Enrique Araiza and Jose Alatorre, were overcome by methane gas while working in a drain pit. They subsequently drowned in liquefied cow waste. Dairy workers have no protections. There are no federal laws to protect them. http://www.insidedairyproduction.com Before and after the film, everyone's invited to indulge in our Humanist Coffee House ----/ Venue Info /------------------------------------------------------ Humanist Hall 390 27th Street midtown Oakland, between Telegraph and Broadway, below Pill Hill 510-393-5685 http://www.HumanistHall.net Click on the link "Directions" on our website ----/ Additional Info /------------------------------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 925-487-4419 http://www.eastbayanimaladvocates.org ----/ The Squid List Admin /--------------------------------------------- The Squid List, a tentacle of Laughing Squid http://laughingsquid.org/squidlist/ subscribe, unsubscribe, change your email address or change your subscription options: http://lists.laughingsquid.org/mailman/listinfo/squidlist/ Frequently Asked Questions & Submission Guidelines Squid List FAQ: http://laughingsquid.org/squidlist/faq.html The Squid List Online Calendar: http://laughingsquid.org/squidlist/calendar/ The Squid List RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/squidlist ----/ Laughing Squid /-------------------------------------------------- Laughing Squid http://laughingsquid.com art, culture and technology from San Francisco and beyond Laughing Squid Web Hosting http://laughingsquid.net friendly, dependable and secure web hosting services for artists, individuals, bloggers, non-profits and small organizations The Squid List is licensed under a Creative Commons License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/