----/ The Squid List /-------------------------------------------------- Nanoscape: Under Construction
Saturday and Sunday, July 8th and 9th 11:00am-4:00pm Included in the price of admission to the Exploratorium ----/ Event Description /----------------------------------------------- Construction Takes Place Saturday & Sundays, July 8-9, 22-23, and August 12-13 Exhibit runs through September 10, 2006 The Exploratorium invites the public to help build a scientific barn- raising - the assemblage of close to 100,000 "atoms" to be one of the largest, possibly the largest, model environment of a nanoscale landscape ever constructed. Floor-to-ceiling carbon nanotubes, hanging fabric sculptures based on the symmetry of silicon thin film crystals as well as proteins, and artist versions of molecular machinery, will gradually come together to celebrate the known and speculative aspects of emerging nanotechnology. Once constructed, the public-built nanotubes, proteins and silicon crystals will fill the Exploratorium's 60-foot-high large central space and will remain on exhibit through September 10, 2006. Go to www.exploratorium.edu for the schedule of events. ----/ Venue Info /------------------------------------------------------ The Exploratorium 3601 Lyon Street San Francisco (415) 563-7337 http://www.exploratorium.edu ----/ Additional Info /------------------------------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED] (415) 563-7337 http://www.exploratorium.edu/pr/documents/06-7Nanoscape.html ----/ The Squid List Admin /--------------------------------------------- The Squid List, a tentacle of Laughing Squid http://laughingsquid.org/squidlist/ subscribe, unsubscribe, change your email address or change your subscription options: http://lists.laughingsquid.org/mailman/listinfo/squidlist/ Frequently Asked Questions & Submission Guidelines Squid List FAQ: http://laughingsquid.org/squidlist/faq.html The Squid List Online Calendar: http://laughingsquid.org/squidlist/calendar/ The Squid List RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/squidlist ----/ Laughing Squid /-------------------------------------------------- Laughing Squid http://laughingsquid.com art, culture and technology from San Francisco and beyond Laughing Squid Web Hosting http://laughingsquid.net friendly, dependable and secure web hosting services for artists, individuals, bloggers, non-profits and small organizations The Squid List is licensed under a Creative Commons License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/