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American Liberalism, Opinion Journalism, and the War on Terror

Wednesday, June 28


Members - $10, Students- $5, Nonmembers - $20 Teachers- $10

----/ Event Description /-----------------------------------------------

Join two renowned editors of journals covering politics for a lively  
discussion and debate on liberalism, independent journalism and the  
U.S.'s foreign policy. Although both editors consider themselves  
"liberals", they have differing points of view on liberalism and the  
U.S.'s role in the world. Is it time for a new vision of liberalism?  
How vital are journals of opinion to the health of a democracy? What  
role do the journals The New Republic and The Nation play in  
fostering political discourse and engagement?

Peter Beinart, Editor-at-large at The New Republic and editor of the  
magazine from November 1999 until March 2006; columnist for The  
Washington Post, contributor to Time, as well as a regular  
commentator on television; and, author of The Good Fight: Why  
Liberals---and Only Liberals---Can Win the War on Terror and Make  
America Great Again

Victor S. Navasky, Publisher emeritus of The Nation and the  
magazine's editor from 1978 to 1995 and publisher and editorial  
director from 1995 to 2005; Director of the George Delacorte Center  
for Magazine Journalism at Columbia University; a regular commentator  
on the public radio program "Marketplace"; and, author of A Matter of  

Moderated by Orville Schell, Dean of the Graduate School of  
Journalism at UC Berkeley

----/ Venue Info /------------------------------------------------------

The Alcazar Theatre
650 Geary Street
San Francisco

----/ Additional Info /-------------------------------------------------


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