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1st Annual Play/Rites Festival

July 21-23 and 28-30, 2006


$15 one program/evening, $25 two programs/evenings

----/ Event Description /-----------------------------------------------

Magical Acts Ritual Theater proudly presents our 1st Annual Play/ 
Rites Festival: Ritual in One Act, to be held at Theatre Rhinoceros  
at 2926 16th Street in San Francisco at 8:00 PM on July 21, 22, 23  
and July 28, 29, 30. The Festival will feature creative works from  
emerging artists that combine ritual and theatre. The festival will  
be organized into two programs. Tickets are $15 for one evening and  
program, and $25 for both programs over two evenings. The works  
presented at the Festival include:

_ A Black Woman Speaks is an adaptation of Beah Richards' original  
monologue that was first performed 50 years ago and whose words are  
still significant. This play has been revised as a five woman piece  
that hopefully opens dialogue and begins the healing process between  
Black women and their White sisters, utilizing the Ancestor energies  
of the African Ancestor, the Slave, the Beah Richards Archetype, the  
Higher Consciousness of White Women and finally, the Descendant.  
Adapted and Directed by Luna Pantera.

_ Changing Our Fates is a ritual performance about what happens when  
three faces of the Goddess take up the fight against patriarchy and  
fundamentalist conservatism. It is a statement about the strength of  
the Goddess archetype throughout history and her human embodiments,  
with emphasis on the need for modern women to rise up against the war  
in Iraq. Adapted by Rabbit from the play "Rise of the Fates" by Z  
Budapest, Changing Our Fates will charm and challenge with wit,  
wisdom, and womanpower!

_ I, Hippolyta, written and directed by Robyn Brooks, intends to  
recreate the myth of Shakespeare's Queen Hippolyta's abduction into  
captivity as a tale of empowerment that gives the Amazon Queen  
Hippolyta back her power through language, ritual and healing. In  
this tale, a work in progress, the Goddesses are as fierce as the  
women warriors.

_ Thread depicts the journey from the depths of despair to a plane of  
mission and finally, blessing. Using the ritual forms of poetry and  
dance, a point of view is offered that our journeys are not only  
supported by loved ones in this world, but also blessed by ancestors,  
gods and goddesses who remind us of the divine spark inherent in our  
beings. Written by Patricia Kevena Fili. Co-Directed by Patricia  
Kevena Fili and Victoria De La Garza.

_ Revisionist History by Derik K. Cowan is a multimedia performance  
piece exploring concepts of group reincarnation and ritualized  
mourning. Referencing The Oresteia and Hamlet, Revisionist History  
recounts the tale of an archetypical family's struggle to learn to  
live together over the course of three lifetimes as seen through the  
eyes of the hero's lover, now mourning the hero's death from an AIDS- 
related illness.

_ Performance artist Leo I. Rodriguez, founder of Prophecy Theatre,  
proudly presents Chosen. Rodriguez, adopted as an infant, explores  
adoption and his search for truth, meaning and purpose through vivid,  
bitter-sweet storytelling and song, taking the audience along on a  
spiritual journey to probe life choices, fate, destiny, the artistic  
soul and ultimately answering why WE are chosen.

"There is nothing more joyous and liberating than to bring a dream to  
life", says Angelique Heddings, Artistic Director of Magical Acts  
Ritual Theater. "There are so many budding playwrights, directors and  
producers in the field of live theatre that never get their chance.  
Magical Acts is creating a name for themselves in the exploration of  
mysticism and magic manifesting on stage, and I'm so thrilled to see  
these artists have the opportunity and the place to explore self  
expression, healing, and affirmation."

----/ Venue Info /------------------------------------------------------

Theatre Rhinoceros
2926 16th Street
San Francisco

----/ Additional Info /-------------------------------------------------


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