I've posted the question before about why my unread email count is wrong
with Squirrelmail, but I think I've figured something out, though how to
fix it is still a mystery.

It's this: I use Alpine (formerly just Pine) from the University of
Washington because I use a text interface a lot. No one else on my server
does that, and I'm the only one with the unread count messed up.

If I do a search in SQM in All Folders, the count comes somewhat closer to
being accurate, but slowly creeps up.

I can go through all my folders and check for unread emails and mark them
read (because they are, or because Alpine puts a copy in the folder I
choose, but doesn't mark it 'read' like SQM does), which alters the count,
but it continues to move up over time.

Though all my email is read now, SQM reports 84 unread in all folders, but
if I look in all the folders, there aren't any unread.

My question then is this:

Is there an absolute standard for how an email client marks a message
'read' and if so, who isn't following it?

I've looked at ^Status: in the headers and can't figure out anything

I know this is a puzzler; it's got me a bit dizzy.

TIA for anything to be offered.

Karl Pearson
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