Hi again Paul, and thanks for your answer below.

---Paul wrote---
This error indicates a discrepancy between the plugin's setup file and
the plugin_hooks.php file you generated by using the conf.pl script.
I'm not immediately certain how that would happen, but both this plugin
and the attachment_doc plugin I think were never updated to work with
version 1.5.2, and there is a chance that this is the reason they are
not activating correctly.  Even if you could get them to activate
correctly, there's some chance that they would fail to achieve their
functionality given the changes in version 1.5.2.

Unfortunately I am not so good regarding programme in PHP.

Is it possible for you to create a bug regarding update of the plugin, so they 
will work with the newest version of SquirrelMail SVN, or can I pay you for 

> ---
> 2. The plugin with the name "attachment_doc" - link:
> https://squirrelmail.org/plugin_view.php?id=233
> ,
> , give me the following errors in src/configtest.php:
> "WARNING: The plugin attachment_doc is supposed to be registered on the
> attachment application/msword hook, but it is not. You need to re-run the
> configuration utility and re-save your configuration file.

Unfortunately I am not so good regarding programme in PHP.

Is it possible for you to create a bug regarding update of the plugin, so they 
will work with the newest version of SquirrelMail SVN, or can I pay you for 

> 3. When I try to activate the plugin with the name "Bug Report (bug_report)
> CORE", there is in version 1.5.2 of Squirrelmail, I not can see and run the
> plugin from my e-mail-adresses, what ever i try. Now I have used one hour to
> test it, and again and again followed the instructions regarding the correct
> configuration. When I test my installation of SquirrelMail via
> src/configtest.php, the script tell me that the plugin is enabled - but when
> I log in to my e-mail-adresses I have entered in plugins/bug_reports/admins,
> nothing happends.

Go to "Options" then "Display Preferences", and there should now be a
section (probably near the bottom of the page) for "Bug Reports" under
which is a single checkbox labeled "Show button in toolbar."  Check that
option and a "Bug" link should begin appearing along the top of the
content pane after the page reloads.

Very thanks - the Bug plugin working now :-).

Thanks in advance for your answer, and have a nice day.


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