Hi everyone


First, sorry for my many e-mails here on this list, but I find some
challenge with Squirrel Mail 1.5.2 SVN.


1. My Hosting company has an outgoing SMTP-server there is open on port 587.
When I will connect to the server over TLS, I should also use port 587.


Therefore I first has selected "Secure IMAP (TLS)" in the option called
"SMTP Connection Security", and next entered port 587 in the option called
"SMTP Server Port".


When I after that go to src/configtest.php in my browser, I see the
following errors:

"Checking outgoing mail service....


Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: SSL operation failed with code 1.
OpenSSL Error messages: error:140770FC:SSL
routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol in
/var/www/boholdt.com/webmail2/src/configtest.php on line 639


Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: Failed to enable crypto in
/var/www/boholdt.com/webmail2/src/configtest.php on line 639

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to
ssl://smtp.unoeuro.com:587 (Unknown error) in
/var/www/boholdt.com/webmail2/src/configtest.php on line 639

FATAL ERROR: Error connecting to SMTP server "smtp.unoeuro.com:587".Server
error: (0)".


I have the following version of OpenSSL installed on my hosting company:

openSSL version text: OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013

openSSL version number: 268439647



Squirrel Mail give me the following version regarding the installed

PHP Version 7.0.28 OK


Have some persons here an idea why I receive the answers, and how I can fix
the errors?


2. When I in Squirrel Mail 1.5.2 SVN log in as administrator, and after that
go to the bug plugin, and will send bugs to this list, the plugin refer to a
list for known bugs for Squirrel Mail. This link not work anymore.


I hope that you please can correct the link in a upcoming release of
Squirrel Mail.


Thanks in advance for your answer, and have a nice day.




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