
I have 2 servers.


www.mdlan.com is redhat 7.3 on i686 running qmail vpopmail qmailadmin
vqadmin sqwebmail and was built by my %100

mail.e-netcomm.co.uk is a solaris 8 Netra T1 AC200 Sparc Server with
qmail/qmailadmin/vqadmin/sqwebmail the os and server was built by me, and
the mail install was by inter7.

I have www.mdlan.com setup with virtual hosts on apache
my config line for mdlan.com looks like this

    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/virtual/www.mdlan.co.uk/public_html
    ServerName www.mdlan.co.uk
    ServerAlias www.mdlan.com
    ServerAlias www.mdlan.net
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/
    ErrorLog logs/www.mdlan.co.uk_error_log
    CustomLog logs/www.mdlan.co.uk_access_log common

I have altered
/usr/local/apache/virtual/www.mdlan.co.uk/sqwebmail_templates/index.html to
the <title> tag say Md.Lan webmail

when I view http://www.mdlan.com/cgi-bin/sqwebmail I get the error "can't
open form template"
try it. 

I have no idea why this is happeneing

I have checked the permisions.

[root@jordan www.mdlan.co.uk]# ls -la
total 20
drwxrwxr-x    5 root     webdev       4096 Oct  5 21:14 .
drwxrwxr-x   17 root     webdev       4096 Oct  7 14:47 ..
drwxrwxr-x    4 root     webdev       4096 Oct  6 11:56 public_html
drwxrwxr-x    2 root     webdev       4096 Oct  8 22:32 qmailadmin_templates
drwxrwxr-x    2 root     webdev       4096 Oct 11 14:19 sqwebmail_templates
[root@jordan www.mdlan.co.uk]# 

and left it a little open to make sure this is not a problem.

I have re-copied the templates in from /usr/local/share........

------------------------------------------------------- END PROBLEM 1

-------------------------------------------------------- START PROBLEM 2

my config on mail.e-netcomm.co.uk is an apache virtual host.

First of all I should point out that the system is working %100 and I don't
think this is anything to do with inter7 as they did a great job. It is more
likley it is me not setting up the virtual hosts with sqwebmail correctly.

I have an apache config with a virtual host like so

<VirtualHost *>
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/virtual/mail.e-netcomm.co.uk/public_html
    ServerName mail.e-netcomm.co.uk
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/
    ErrorLog logs/mail.e-netcomm.co.uk_error_log
    CustomLog logs/mail.e-netcomm.co.uk_access_log common

Again I have altered the <TITLE> tag in
l to say "E-Netcomm UK Webmail"

On this occasion http://mail.e-netcomm.co.uk/cgi-bin/sqwebmail opens up the
webmail login screen, but the title still is "sqwebmail copyright 1999"

Can any one either help to why I am having these problems or point me at a
guide for setting up sqwebmail with different templates for different
virtual hosts.

I thought I had got this right but ovbioulsy not.



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