On Sat, Aug 30, 2003 at 04:36:44PM +0530, Biswajit Banerjee wrote:
> userPassword:: e2NyeXB0fUJtdWlYdkJIRWZnYXc=

That is a base64 representation of "{crypt}BmuiXvBHEfgaw" - you can
determine this using one of various commands, e.g.

$ perl -e 'use MIME::Base64; print decode_base64("e2NyeXB0fUJtdWlYdkJIRWZnYXc=");'

$ ruby -e 'p "e2NyeXB0fUJtdWlYdkJIRWZnYXc=".unpack("m")'

So after changing the password, try looking at the userPassword attribute
again and see how it looks.

My guess is you are starting with a crypt password, and then when you change
the password it is being replaced with a cleartext one or a differently
encrypted one.

Another option is to use AUTHBIND so that the LDAP server itself does the
password checking, rather than giving the password to sqwebmail for it to


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