On Sunday, Sep 7, 2003, at 04:40 US/Central, Guy LOUIS wrote:

Hi James,

Thanks. This fixes the bug I described.

But now, I have another problem, during "make":

Compiling deliverquota.c
gcc -traditional-cpp -Wall -I./.. -I.. -o deliverquota deliverquota.o libmaildir.a ../rfc822/librfc822.a > ../numlib/libnumlib.a
ld: ../numlib/libnumlib.a(strhdevt.o) literal C string section (__TEXT,__cstring) does not end with a '\0'
ld: ../numlib/libnumlib.a(strhinot.o) literal C string section (__TEXT,__cstring) does not end with a '\0'
make[2]: *** [deliverquota] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

I add a "\0" to the next constant, but the same error arises:

static const char rcsid[]="$Id: deliverquota.c,v 1.21 2003/01/20 13:47:19 mrsam Exp $";


static const char rcsid[]="$Id: deliverquota.c,v 1.21 2003/01/20 13:47:19 mrsam Exp $\0";

Another question: are the global variables (RANLIB ... CPPFLAGS) of general use when you compile *any* package to OSX? Or are they specific to this build?

Sorry, but I must yet use the --enable-mimetypes; otherwise, ./configure reclaims it... (my build is "sqwebmail-").


(Great googly-moogly. No wonder.)

Well, this explains all your other problems.

If you can... I strongly suggest upgrading to 3.6.0 instead!

If you can't (and if not, why not?!), then yes... you'd still need the mime.types setting. -- And yes, the numlib stuff would be a problem too.

I made a patch which Sam applied to the numlib files a while back (after he figured out what the problem was for me; thanks again, Sam! :) -- and I'll try to send it if you can't upgrade. (Tell me if so, and I'll look around for it. But I really do encourage you to upgrade to the latest version. ... Really! ... Quite strongly!)

As for the global vars, they are useful with at least a few other packages, but probably not all. I'm sure that in some cases, they might (potentially) even cause problems instead of fixing problems. -- I haven't seen that to be the case yet myself, but with all the variety of stuff out there, I'm sure it's true for something. ;-)


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