thanks for the hint

but I have installed sqwebmail on an debian system with apt-get
and Im a Rooky

how can I change the timeout after installation.

in the install manual is written

   A  login  session  is automatically logged out after certain period of
   inactivity.  The  timeout period defaults to 20 minutes, and is set by
   the  --enable-softtimeout  option  to the configure script. It is also
   possible  to  adjust  this  value by setting the SQWEBMAIL_TIMEOUTSOFT
   environment   variable.  For  example,  with  Apache,  by  adding  the
   following to httpd.conf:


this line does not like my apache
ther is an error whenn added this line after apachectl configtest

and ther ist shurly no 20 minutes default

this are all directoys I have about sqwebmail


> On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 08:49:50PM +0200, Johannes Kreuzhuber wrote:
> > can anyone explain me
> >
> > how can I set a longer timeout when I loged in in sqwebmail.
> >
> > The current timout is so short that I can not write an email without
> > phused out of the server with an error message
> This is explained in the document "INSTALL" in the top-level of the source
> directory. Search for the word "timeout" in this document.
> Brian.

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