On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 07:06:54AM -0700, Sagara Wijetunga wrote:
> complains ?Internal error (module sqconfig.c, line 63)
> - contact system administrator?.

So, go to sqconfig.c, line 63, and you will find:

void write_sqconfig()
                f=fopen(p, "w"); 
                if (!f) enomem();   <<<< Here

So basically:
(1) it has tried to write the config file to disk
(2) it failed
(3) it aborted

and hence this is almost certainly a permissions problem.

Try applying the attached patch to sqwebmail and recompiling. It should give
a more helpful error message than just "Internal Error" which might help you
pin down the problem.


Attachment: sqwebmail-errormsg.gz
Description: application/gunzip

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