On Dec 12, 2004, at 16:32, Brian Candler wrote:

On Sat, Dec 11, 2004 at 05:34:35PM -0600, James A Baker wrote:
Sadly, the quota values do not accept "MB"/"KB"/etc. as far as I know.
You must specify the value in bytes. So, in your example, you should
have put "50000000" as the quota value instead. -- Or more precisely,
it probably should be 50*1024*1024, which would be "52428800".

Or even more precisely, "52428800S"

The "S" suffix means number of bytes; a "C" suffix means number of messages;
and you can provide both (e.g. "50000000S,10000C"). If this suffix is
missing, ISTR that the quota is not parsed.


Thanks, Brian. I should have been more careful in my direction giving. Nice catch. =)


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