Daniel, Hello,


Thanks for the insight. I’ll look into it sometime next week. Hopefully I can 




From: Daniel-Constantin Mierla <notificati...@github.com>
Reply-To: kamailio/kamailio <re...@reply.github.com>
Date: Thursday, 21 December 2017 at 17:37
To: kamailio/kamailio <kamai...@noreply.github.com>
Cc: arik <arik.halpe...@gmail.com>, Author <aut...@noreply.github.com>
Subject: Re: [kamailio/kamailio] http_async_client frees pointer twice(Kamailio 
5.0.4) (#1340)


@linuxmaniac - that is not solving it, setting ptr to NULL is effective only 
inside the curl_shm_free().

To me it looks like some pointers that are given to a CURL function, which is 
going to free them at some point, are also freed inside http_async_client 
module. Not that familiar with the code, but I think some of the shm_free() 
inside set_query_params() should not be done. I guess that the fix is in the 
direction of: when a field from struct query_params is given to a CURL 
function, it should be set to NULL so set_query_params() doesn't free it again. 
Now, identifying when the field is given to a CURL function requires to look 
deeper a the code of the module, not being familiar with, I couldn't do it 
quickly and no much spare time here at this moment.

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