Kamailio Project uses GitHub Issues only for bugs in the code or feature 

If you have questions about using Kamailio or related to its configuration file,
ask on sr-users mailing list:

  * http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users

If you have questions about developing extensions to Kamailio or its existing
C code, ask on sr-dev mailing list

  * http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-dev

Please try to fill this template as much as possible for any issue. It helps the
developers to troubleshoot the issue.

If you submit a feature request (or enhancement), you can delete the text of
the template and only add the description of what you would like to be added.

If there is no content to be filled in a section, the entire section can be 

You can delete the comments from the template sections when filling.

You can delete next line and everything above before submitting (it is a 

### Description

I used a MCU with kamailio proxy which enabled the websocket module,
and made 13 WebRTC clients (same domain as the MCU) was connected to the MCU 
then let MCU disconnected them all orderly and quickly.
After that, WSS port can't be accessd anymore - but it not always happens!

However , whether it's blocked or not,
It can be found that the receiving queue of kamailio had value left and this 
shouldn't happen:

> Proto  Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State    
>    PID/Program name
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      
tcp        1      0      CLOSE_WAIT  
tcp     1359      0      CLOSE_WAIT  

Btw, I tried to find the cause by myself ever with lots of log added,
it seems that the process stuck in the function tls_read() in tcp_read.c, 
(so the following TCP/TLS packets can be handled)
following is my tracing procedure , perhaps this can help you to clarify the 
issue. :)

---> tcp_read_req()
                if (likely(req->error==TCP_REQ_OK)){
#ifdef READ_WS
                        if (unlikely(con->type == PROTO_WS || con->type == 
                                bytes=tcp_read_ws(con, read_flags);
                                bytes=tcp_read_headers(con, read_flags);

#ifdef USE_TLS
        if (unlikely(c->type == PROTO_WSS))
                bytes = tls_read(c, read_flags); //<--- stuck here!!

Explain what you did, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened.

### Troubleshooting

#### Reproduction

If the issue can be reproduced, describe how it can be done.

#### Debugging Data

If you got a core dump, use gdb to extract troubleshooting data - full 
local variables and the list of the code at the issue location.

  gdb /path/to/kamailio /path/to/corefile
  bt full
  info locals

If you are familiar with gdb, feel free to attach more of what you consider to
be relevant.


#0  0x0000ffff91d7067c in __lll_lock_wait () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x0000ffff91d6988c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#2  0x00000000006544e4 in tcpconn_send_put (c=0xffff8178a348,
    buf=0xffff89e7e920 "\201~\001\372BYE 
sip:8mon17p1@;transport=ws;ob SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/WSS;branch=z9hG4bKe713.8cb6e1690b94e1ab398db59e660f06d4.0\r\nVia:
 SIP/2.0/UDP;receive"..., len=510, send_flags=...) at 
        tmp = 0xffff8178a348
        fd = 10
        response = {281472853910344, 0}
        n = 8
        do_close_fd = 1
        rest_buf = 0x648d7c <tcpconn_get+256> "\247+@\371\347<@\271\377"
        t_buf = 0xffff89e7e920 "\201~\001\372BYE 
sip:8mon17p1@;transport=ws;ob SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/WSS;branch=z9hG4bKe713.8cb6e1690b94e1ab398db59e660f06d4.0\r\nVia:
        rest_len = 0
        t_len = 510
        resp = 281473925092352
        t_send_flags = {f = 56 '8', blst_imask = 223 '\337'}
        fd_cache_e = 0x0
        use_fd_cache = 1
        __func__ = "tcpconn_send_put"
#3  0x0000000000650d24 in tcp_send (dst=0xffffc1519650, from=0x0,
    buf=0xffff89e7e920 "\201~\001\372BYE 
sip:8mon17p1@;transport=ws;ob SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/WSS;branch=z9hG4bKe713.8cb6e1690b94e1ab398db59e660f06d4.0\r\nVia:
 SIP/2.0/UDP;receive"..., len=510) at tcp_main.c:2155
        c = 0xffff8178a348
        ip = {af = 2, len = 4, u = {addrl = {593257482, 135}, addr32 = 
{593257482, 0, 135, 0}, addr16 = {25610, 9052, 0, 0, 135, 0, 0, 0},
            addr = "\nd\\#\000\000\000\000\207\000\000\000\000\000\000"}}
        port = 50249
        fd = 512
        response = {281473925092736, 6589744}
        n = 65535
        con_lifetime = 57680
        rest_buf = 0x7fdf38 "DEBUG"
        t_buf = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>
        rest_len = 0
        t_len = 6505260
        resp = 281473925092704
        t_send_flags = {f = 9 '\t', blst_imask = 64 '@'}
        __func__ = "tcp_send"
#4  0x0000ffff80b01b08 in encode_and_send_ws_frame (frame=0xffffc1519758, 
conn_close=CONN_CLOSE_DONT) at ws_frame.c:302
        pos = 4
        extended_length = 2
        frame_length = 510
        send_buf = 0xffff89e7e920 "\201~\001\372BYE 
sip:8mon17p1@;transport=ws;ob SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/WSS;branch=z9hG4bKe713.8cb6e1690b94e1ab398db59e660f06d4.0\r\nVia:
        con = 0xffff8178a348
        dst = {send_sock = 0xffff89c43748, to = {s = {sa_family = 2, sa_data = 
"\304I\nd\\#\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, sin = {sin_family = 2,
              sin_port = 18884, sin_addr = {s_addr = 593257482}, sin_zero = 
"\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, sin6 = {sin6_family = 2, sin6_port = 18884,
              sin6_flowinfo = 593257482, sin6_addr = {__in6_u = {__u6_addr8 = 
'\000' <repeats 15 times>, __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, __u6_addr32 
= {0,
                    0, 0, 0}}}, sin6_scope_id = 0}}, id = 4, proto = 6 '\006', 
send_flags = {f = 1 '\001', blst_imask = 0 '\000'}}
        from = 0x0
        local_addr = {s = {sa_family = 38592, sa_data = 
"Q\301\377\377\000\000\320\377\377\377\200\377\377\377"}, sin = {sin_family = 
38592, sin_port = 49489,
            sin_addr = {s_addr = 65535}, sin_zero = 
"\320\377\377\377\200\377\377\377"}, sin6 = {sin6_family = 38592, sin6_port = 
49489, sin6_flowinfo = 65535,
            sin6_addr = {__in6_u = {__u6_addr8 = 
"\320\377\377\377\200\377\377\377%%%%%%%%", __u6_addr16 = {65488, 65535, 65408, 
65535, 9509, 9509, 9509, 9509},
                __u6_addr32 = {4294967248, 4294967168, 623191333, 623191333}}}, 
sin6_scope_id = 623191333}}
        sub_proto = 1
        __func__ = "encode_and_send_ws_frame"
#5  0x0000ffff80b09fc0 in ws_frame_transmit (data=0xffffc1519880) at 
        wsev = 0xffffc1519880
        frame = {fin = 1, rsv1 = 0, rsv2 = 0, rsv3 = 0, opcode = 1, mask = 0, 
payload_len = 506, masking_key = "\000\000\000",
          payload_data = 0xffff817ea9d8 "BYE 
sip:8mon17p1@;transport=ws;ob SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/WSS;branch=z9hG4bKe713.8cb6e1690b94e1ab398db59e660f06d4.0\r\nVia:
 SIP/2.0/UDP;received=10"..., wsc = 0xffff8178cc28}
        __func__ = "ws_frame_transmit"
#6  0x000000000049e758 in sr_event_exec (type=11, data=0xffffc1519880) at 
        ret = 0
        i = -1981058840
        p = 0xffff8178a348
        __func__ = "sr_event_exec"
#7  0x0000ffff897e6268 in msg_send (dst=0xffff8188ef60,
    buf=0xffff817ea9d8 "BYE sip:8mon17p1@;transport=ws;ob 
SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/WSS;branch=z9hG4bKe713.8cb6e1690b94e1ab398db59e660f06d4.0\r\nVia:
 SIP/2.0/UDP;received=10"..., len=506) at ../../forward.h:189
        new_dst = {send_sock = 0x0, to = {s = {sa_family = 0, sa_data = '\000' 
<repeats 13 times>}, sin = {sin_family = 0, sin_port = 0, sin_addr = {s_addr = 
              sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, sin6 = {sin6_family = 
0, sin6_port = 0, sin6_flowinfo = 0, sin6_addr = {__in6_u = {
                  __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}}}, sin6_scope_id = 0}}, id = 0,
          proto = 0 '\000', send_flags = {f = 0 '\000', blst_imask = 0 '\000'}}
        outb = {
          s = 0xffff817ea9d8 "BYE 
sip:8mon17p1@;transport=ws;ob SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/WSS;branch=z9hG4bKe713.8cb6e1690b94e1ab398db59e660f06d4.0\r\nVia:
 SIP/2.0/UDP;received=10"..., len = 506}
        port = 50249
        ip = {af = 2, len = 4, u = {addrl = {281471275000842, 12}, addr32 = 
{593257482, 65535, 12, 0}, addr16 = {25610, 9052, 65535, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0},
            addr = "\nd\\#\377\377\000\000\f\000\000\000\000\000\000"}}
        from = 0xffffc1519898
        local_addr = {s = {sa_family = 2, sa_data = 
"\000\000\nd\\\336\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, sin = {sin_family = 2, 
sin_port = 0, sin_addr = {
              s_addr = 3730596874}, sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, 
sin6 = {sin6_family = 2, sin6_port = 0, sin6_flowinfo = 3730596874, sin6_addr = 
              __in6_u = {__u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, __u6_addr16 = 
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}}}, sin6_scope_id = 0}}
        con = 0xffff8178a348
        wsev = {type = 11,
          buf = 0xffff817ea9d8 "BYE 
sip:8mon17p1@;transport=ws;ob SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/WSS;branch=z9hG4bKe713.8cb6e1690b94e1ab398db59e660f06d4.0\r\nVia:
 SIP/2.0/UDP;received=10"..., len = 506, id = 4}
        ret = 0
        __func__ = "msg_send"
#8  0x0000ffff897e9d70 in send_pr_buffer (rb=0xffff8188ef10, 
buf=0xffff817ea9d8, len=506, file=0xffff898b08a0 "t_fwd.c",
    function=0xffff898b1ad0 <__FUNCTION__.12678> "t_send_branch", line=1581) at 
        __func__ = "send_pr_buffer"
#9  0x0000ffff89802e70 in t_send_branch (t=0xffff8188ed98, branch=0, 
p_msg=0xffff89edb0e0, proxy=0x0, lock_replies=1) at t_fwd.c:1581
        ip = {af = 3243350936, len = 65535, u = {addrl = {281473925094280, 
281473925094256}, addr32 = {3243350920, 65535, 3243350896, 65535}, addr16 = 
              49489, 65535, 0, 39792, 49489, 65535, 0}, addr = 
        ret = 0
        uac = 0xffff8188ef00
        __func__ = "t_send_branch"
        __FUNCTION__ = "t_send_branch"
#10 0x0000ffff8980562c in t_forward_nonack (t=0xffff8188ed98, 
p_msg=0xffff89edb0e0, proxy=0x0, proto=0) at t_fwd.c:1796
        branch_ret = 0
        lowest_ret = -1
        current_uri = {s = 0x0, len = 0}
        added_branches = 1
        first_branch = 0
        i = 0
        q = -1
        t_invite = 0xffffc151a1d0
        success_branch = 0
        try_new = 1
        lock_replies = 1
        dst_uri = {s = 0x0, len = 0}
        path = {s = 0x0, len = 0}
        instance = {s = 0x0, len = 0}
        ruid = {s = 0x0, len = 0}
        location_ua = {s = 0x0, len = 0}
        si = 0x0
        backup_bflags = 0
        bflags = 0
        __func__ = "t_forward_nonack"
#11 0x0000ffff897ed29c in t_relay_to (p_msg=0xffff89edb0e0, proxy=0x0, proto=0, 
replicate=0) at t_funcs.c:355
        ret = 0
        new_tran = 1
        t = 0xffff8188ed98
        dst = {send_sock = 0x833520 <__func__.8441>, to = {s = {sa_family = 
47392, sa_data = "\202\000\000\000\000\000\220\226\351\211\377\377\000"}, sin = 
              sin_family = 47392, sin_port = 130, sin_addr = {s_addr = 0}, 
sin_zero = "\220\226\351\211\377\377\000"}, sin6 = {sin6_family = 47392,
              sin6_port = 130, sin6_flowinfo = 0, sin6_addr = {__in6_u = 
{__u6_addr8 = "\220\226\351\211\377\377\000\000\020\000\277\211\377\377\000",
                  __u6_addr16 = {38544, 35305, 65535, 0, 16, 35263, 65535, 0}, 
__u6_addr32 = {2313787024, 65535, 2310995984, 65535}}}, sin6_scope_id = 135}},
          id = 0, proto = 56 '8', send_flags = {f = 223 '\337', blst_imask = 
127 '\177'}}
        port = 0
        host = {s = 0x6a464009 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0x6a464009>, len = 0}
        comp = 0
        __func__ = "t_relay_to"
#12 0x0000ffff89839650 in _w_t_relay_to (p_msg=0xffff89edb0e0, proxy=0x0, 
force_proto=0) at tm.c:1517
        t = 0xffffc1519de0
        res = 65535
        __func__ = "_w_t_relay_to"
#13 0x0000ffff8983aa64 in w_t_relay (p_msg=0xffff89edb0e0, _foo=0x0, _bar=0x0) 
at tm.c:1718
No locals.
#14 0x000000000041f1bc in do_action (h=0xffffc151a460, a=0xffff89cbede8, 
msg=0xffff89edb0e0) at action.c:1088
        ret = -5
        v = 821157850
        dst = {send_sock = 0xffff80d78618 <__func__.14174>, to = {s = 
{sa_family = 59927, sa_data = 
"l\211\377\377\000\000\200\242Q\301\377\377\000"}, sin = {
              sin_family = 59927, sin_port = 35180, sin_addr = {s_addr = 
65535}, sin_zero = "\200\242Q\301\377\377\000"}, sin6 = {sin6_family = 59927,
              sin6_port = 35180, sin6_flowinfo = 65535, sin6_addr = {__in6_u = 
{__u6_addr8 = "\200\242Q\301\377\377\000\000H\361A\000\000\000\000", 
__u6_addr16 = {
                    41600, 49489, 65535, 0, 61768, 65, 0, 0}, __u6_addr32 = 
{3243352704, 65535, 4321608, 0}}}, sin6_scope_id = 135}}, id = 0, proto = 56 
          send_flags = {f = 223 '\337', blst_imask = 127 '\177'}}
        tmp = 0xffff89edb0e0 "\006"
        new_uri = 0xffff89cb94b0 "\217\003"
        end = 0xffff89edb0e0 "\006"
        crt = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>
        cmd = 0xffff89c45e68
        len = 0
        user = 4382880
        uri = {user = {s = 0xffffc151a160 "\200\242Q\301\377\377", len = 
5959220}, passwd = {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>,
            len = 8380216}, host = {s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access memory 
at address 0x30f1dfda>, len = 1782988809}, port = {s = 0xffff89cb9880 "\001",
            len = -1051614664}, params = {s = 0xffff89edb0e0 "\006", len = 
-1051606264}, sip_params = {s = 0xffff89dec1a8 "\002", len = -1981892192}, 
headers = {
            s = 0xffff91c00b00 " \022\300\221\377\377", len = -1051613344}, 
port_no = 25120, proto = 35268, type = 65535, flags = (unknown: 0), transport = 
            s = 0xffff896ce9f8 "%s: %s%s(): no destination URI\n", len = 21}, 
ttl = {s = 0x7080 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x7080>,
            len = 1076896416}, user_param = {s = 0xffffc151a160 
"\200\242Q\301\377\377", len = 5959276}, maddr = {
            s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>, len = 
8380216}, method = {s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access memory at address 
            len = 1782988809}, lr = {s = 0x400000000 <error: Cannot access 
memory at address 0x400000000>, len = -1051613552}, r2 = {
            s = 0xd <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xd>, len = 
-1051614776}, gr = {
            s = 0x252525250000000d <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0x252525250000000d>, len = 623191333}, transport_val = {
            s = 0x6920676f <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x6920676f>, 
len = 0}, ttl_val = {s = 0xffff91d344c0 <step4_jumps> "", len = -1},
          user_param_val = {s = 0xffffc151a280 "P\250Q\301\377\377", len = 
4320364}, maddr_val = {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>,
            len = 8380216}, method_val = {s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access 
memory at address 0x30f1dfda>, len = 1782988809}, lr_val = {
            s = 0xffff89cb9fa8 "\004", len = -1051613552}, r2_val = {s = 
0xffff89edb0e0 "\006", len = -1051606264}, gr_val = {s = 0x7fdf38 "DEBUG",
            len = -2133364224}}
        next_hop = {user = {s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access memory at 
address 0x30f1dfda>, len = -1982052448}, passwd = {s = 0x403d49b0 "0H=@", len = 
          host = {s = 0x833520 <__func__.8441> "rval_destroy", len = 8567072}, 
port = {s = 0xffff89e99690 "`\230\351\211\377\377", len = -1983971312}, params 
= {
            s = 0xffffc151a4d0 "P\245Q\301\377\377", len = 4383988}, sip_params 
= {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>, len = 8380216},
          headers = {s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0x30f1dfda>, len = 1782988809}, port_no = 135, proto = 0, type = ERROR_URI_T,
          flags = (unknown: 2314055904), transport = {s = 0xffff89cbcac8 
"\223\003", len = -1051613824}, ttl = {s = 0xffffc151a040 "`\241Q\301\377\377",
            len = 5958084}, user_param = {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory 
at address 0x87>, len = 8380216}, maddr = {
            s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x30f1dfda>, 
len = 1782988809}, method = {s = 0xffff91d56000 <initial_quick+456> "", len = 
          lr = {s = 0xffff89cb9888 "\004", len = -1051614664}, r2 = {s = 
0xffff89edb0e0 "\006", len = -1051606264}, gr = {s = 0x0, len = -1981890136},
          transport_val = {s = 0xffffc151a040 "`\241Q\301\377\377", len = 
5963424}, ttl_val = {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>,
            len = 8380216}, user_param_val = {s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot 
access memory at address 0x30f1dfda>, len = 1782988809}, maddr_val = {
            s = 0x400000000 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0x400000000>, len = 0}, method_val = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, lr_val = {
            s = 0x100000000 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0x100000000>, len = -1848308336}, r2_val = {s = 0xffff91c00b00 " 
            len = 32}, gr_val = {s = 0xffff896ce9f8 "%s: %s%s(): no destination 
URI\n", len = 0}}
        u = 0xffffc151a3b0
        port = 0
        dst_host = 0x20
        i = 8380216
        flags = 65535
        avp = 0x87
        st = {flags = 1782988809, id = 0, name = {n = 0, s = {s = 
0xffff00000000 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xffff00000000>, len = 
            re = 0xffff00000000}, avp = 0xffff89dc47a0}
        sct = 0x30f1dfda
        sjt = 0x7fdf38
        rve = 0xffffc151a910
        mct = 0xffffff80ffffffd0
        rv = 0x30f1dfda
        rv1 = 0x42e4f4 <run_actions+2240>
        c1 = {cache_type = 3575410840, val_type = 2758032445, c = {avp_val = {n 
= 0, s = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, re = 0x0}, pval = {rs = {s = 0x0, len = 0},
              ri = -1051615488, flags = 65535}}, i2s = 
        s = {s = 0xa464c3c2140f0d38 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0xa464c3c2140f0d38>, len = -1983177984}
        srevp = {0x0, 0xffffc1519d30}
        mod_f_params = {{type = NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = 
{s = 0x0, len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, {type = NUMBER_ST,
            u = {number = 1, string = 0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at 
address 0x1>, str = {s = 0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1>, len 
= 0},
              data = 0x1, attr = 0x1, select = 0x1}}, {type = 
RVE_FREE_FIXUP_ST, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 1}, 
data = 0x0, attr = 0x0,
              select = 0x0}}, {type = RVE_FREE_FIXUP_ST, u = {number = 0, 
string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 4}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, 
            type = NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, 
len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, {type = NOSUBTYPE, u = 
{number = 0,
              string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, 
select = 0x0}}, {type = NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 
                len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, {type = 
NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, data = 0x0,
              attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}}
        __func__ = "do_action"
#15 0x000000000042e4f4 in run_actions (h=0xffffc151a460, a=0xffff89cbede8, 
msg=0xffff89edb0e0) at action.c:1583
        t = 0xffff89cbede8
        ret = -1
        mod = 0x0
        ms = 0
        __func__ = "run_actions"
#16 0x000000000042ed40 in run_actions_safe (h=0xffffc151c308, a=0xffff89cbede8, 
msg=0xffff89edb0e0) at action.c:1648
        ctx = {rec_lev = 1, run_flags = 0, last_retcode = 0, jmp_env = 
{{__jmpbuf = {135, 8380216, 821157850, 1782988809, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
                11845808158218849592, 281473925096784, 11845659156157320728, 0, 
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {0,
                  2312869768, 281472995799264, 18446744070492342704, 0, 
281473925097200, 5936264, 281473925096944, 281472995799264, 281472993577672,
                  281473925104392, 0, 4294967295, 135, 8380216, 821157850}}}}}
        ret = 1782988809
        ign_on_break = 0
#17 0x00000000005a9488 in rval_get_int (h=0xffffc151c308, msg=0xffff89edb0e0, 
i=0xffffc151a8b8, rv=0xffff89cbf218, cache=0x0) at rvalue.c:924
        r_avp = 0x0
        avp_val = {n = 1782988809, s = {s = 0x6a464009 <error: Cannot access 
memory at address 0x6a464009>, len = 0}, re = 0x6a464009}
        pval = {rs = {s = 0x0, len = 8380216}, ri = 821157850, flags = 0}
        tmp = {s = 0x0, len = 0}
        s = 0x0
        r = 0
        ret = 0
        destroy_pval = 0
        __func__ = "rval_get_int"
#18 0x00000000005ae9c4 in rval_expr_eval_int (h=0xffffc151c308, 
msg=0xffff89edb0e0, res=0xffffc151a8b8, rve=0xffff89cbf210) at rvalue.c:1918
        i1 = -1051611888
        i2 = 4
        ret = -1
        c1 = {cache_type = 2305161908, val_type = 65535, c = {avp_val = {n = 
-1051613216, s = {s = 0xffffc151a7e0 "", len = 5959276}, re = 0xffffc151a7e0},
            pval = {rs = {s = 0xffffc151a7e0 "", len = 5959276}, ri = 135, 
flags = 0}},
          i2s = 
        c2 = {cache_type = 10, val_type = 30, c = {avp_val = {n = 0, s = {s = 
0x0, len = -1983131912}, re = 0x0}, pval = {rs = {s = 0x0, len = -1983131912},
              ri = -1051611888, flags = 65535}}, i2s = 
        rv1 = 0x6a464009
        rv2 = 0x30f1dfda
        __func__ = "rval_expr_eval_int"
#19 0x00000000005aee34 in rval_expr_eval_int (h=0xffffc151c308, 
msg=0xffff89edb0e0, res=0xffffc151ad10, rve=0xffff89cbf938) at rvalue.c:1926
        i1 = 1
        i2 = 0
        ret = -1
        c1 = {cache_type = 1782988809, val_type = RV_NONE, c = {avp_val = {n = 
-1051612928, s = {s = 0xffffc151a900 "\320\256Q\301\377\377", len = 
              re = 0xffffc151a900}, pval = {rs = {s = 0xffffc151a900 
"\320\256Q\301\377\377", len = -1980911392}, ri = -1983149416, flags = 65535}},
          i2s = 
        c2 = {cache_type = 2311930112, val_type = 65535, c = {avp_val = {n = 
-1980911392, s = {s = 0xffff89edb0e0 "\006", len = -1051612928},
              re = 0xffff89edb0e0}, pval = {rs = {s = 0xffff89edb0e0 "\006", 
len = -1051612928}, ri = 4321608, flags = 0}},
          i2s = 
        rv1 = 0xffffc151ada0
        rv2 = 0xffff896d2df8 <__func__.9630>
        __func__ = "rval_expr_eval_int"
#20 0x000000000041ec6c in do_action (h=0xffffc151c308, a=0xffff89cc0060, 
msg=0xffff89edb0e0) at action.c:1064
        ret = -5
        v = 0
        dst = {send_sock = 0xffffc151ad90, to = {s = {sa_family = 27956, 
sa_data = "Z\000\000\000\000\000\207\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, sin = {
              sin_family = 27956, sin_port = 90, sin_addr = {s_addr = 0}, 
sin_zero = "\207\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, sin6 = {sin6_family = 27956, 
sin6_port = 90,
              sin6_flowinfo = 0, sin6_addr = {__in6_u = {__u6_addr8 = 
"\207\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\070\337\177\000\000\000\000", __u6_addr16 = 
{135, 0, 0, 0,
                    57144, 127, 0, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {135, 0, 8380216, 0}}}, 
sin6_scope_id = 821157850}}, id = 0, proto = 9 '\t', send_flags = {f = 64 '@',
            blst_imask = 70 'F'}}
        tmp = 0xffffc151b390 "\001"
        new_uri = 0xffffc151ae60 "8\371\313\211\377\377"
        end = 0xffff89e99690 "`\230\351\211\377\377"
        crt = 0xffff89cd8250 "\001"
        cmd = 0xffff89cd8258
        len = 0
        user = 1782988809
        uri = {user = {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>, 
len = 8380216}, passwd = {
            s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x30f1dfda>, 
len = 1782988809}, host = {s = 0xffff89edb0e0 "\006", len = -1980911392}, port 
= {
            s = 0xffff89cd80c0 "\340\003", len = -1051612160}, params = {s = 
0xffffc151abc0 "@\254Q\301\001", len = -1985742896}, sip_params = {
            s = 0xc151abe8 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xc151abe8>, 
len = -1983971312}, headers = {
            s = 0x1c151ac40 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0x1c151ac40>, len = 0}, port_no = 44400, proto = 49489, type = 65535,
          flags = (unknown: 5936264), transport = {s = 0x0, len = -1980911392}, 
ttl = {s = 0xffff89cd80c0 "\340\003", len = -1051606264}, user_param = {s = 0x0,
            len = 1}, maddr = {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0x87>, len = 8380216}, method = {
            s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x30f1dfda>, 
len = 1782988809}, lr = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, r2 = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, gr = {
            s = 0x0, len = 0}, transport_val = {s = 0xffffc151ab50 
"\320\253Q\301\377\377", len = 336530744}, ttl_val = {s = 0x0, len = 
          user_param_val = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, maddr_val = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, 
method_val = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, lr_val = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, r2_val = {
            s = 0xffff00000000 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0xffff00000000>, len = 5959276}, gr_val = {
            s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>, len = 
        next_hop = {user = {s = 0xffffc151ade0 "`\256Q\301\377\377", len = 
5957052}, passwd = {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>,
            len = 8380216}, host = {s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access memory 
at address 0x30f1dfda>, len = 1782988809}, port = {
            s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>, len = 0}, 
params = {s = 0xffff89cd40e0 "\a", len = 1782988809}, sip_params = {
            s = 0xffff89c50ac8 "x\236R\211\377\377", len = -1051606264}, 
headers = {s = 0xffff89edb0e0 "\006", len = -1051606264}, port_no = 0, proto = 
          type = ERROR_URI_T, flags = (unknown: 0), transport = {s = 0x0, len = 
0}, ttl = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, user_param = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, maddr = {
            s = 0x97fd46 <buf+270> "on;nat=yes;did=a41.10a>\r\nFrom: 
k1l3hd6cq4h2b1vnovhd\r\nCSeq: 2 BYE\r\nContact: <sip:1000@"..., 
len = 2}, method = {
            s = 0x97fd40 <buf+264> "on;lr=on;nat=yes;did=a41.10a>\r\nFrom: 
k1l3hd6cq4h2b1vnovhd\r\nCSeq: 2 BYE\r\nContact: <sip:1000@10.100.92"..., len = 
2}, lr = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, r2 = {s = 0xffff89e58a58 "\t",
            len = -1989194012}, gr = {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at 
address 0x87>, len = 8380216}, transport_val = {
            s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x30f1dfda>, 
len = 1782988809}, ttl_val = {
            s = 0xc449000000000003 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0xc449000000000003>, len = -1980910696}, user_param_val = {
            s = 0xffffc151ab50 "\320\253Q\301\377\377", len = 4382880}, 
maddr_val = {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>, len = 1},
          method_val = {s = 0x30097fdb4 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0x30097fdb4>, len = 1}, lr_val = {s = 0xffffc151ac20 "\332\337\361\060",
            len = 5958084}, r2_val = {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at 
address 0x87>, len = 8380216}, gr_val = {s = 0xffffc151abd0 
            len = 4386112}}
        u = 0x30f1dfda
        port = 0
        dst_host = 0x0
        i = 19
        flags = 0
        avp = 0x87
        st = {flags = 5945744, id = 0, name = {n = 0, s = {s = 0x0, len = 
-1051611752}, re = 0x0}, avp = 0x87}
        sct = 0x30f1dfda
        sjt = 0x1
        rve = 0xffff89cbf938
        mct = 0x87
        rv = 0xffffc151a9e0
        rv1 = 0x41ec6c <do_action+35204>
        c1 = {cache_type = 5929308, val_type = RV_NONE, c = {avp_val = {n = 
-1051611752, s = {s = 0xffffc151ad98 "\t@Fj", len = 0}, re = 0xffffc151ad98}, 
pval = {
              rs = {s = 0xffffc151ad98 "\t@Fj", len = 0}, ri = -1981180272, 
flags = 1}},
          i2s = 
        s = {s = 0x7fdf38 "DEBUG", len = -1051612768}
        srevp = {0x8a, 0xffff89e99660}
        mod_f_params = {{type = NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = 
{s = 0x0, len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, {type = NUMBER_ST,
            u = {number = 1, string = 0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at 
address 0x1>, str = {s = 0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1>, len 
= 0},
              data = 0x1, attr = 0x1, select = 0x1}}, {type = 
RVE_FREE_FIXUP_ST, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 1}, 
data = 0x0, attr = 0x0,
              select = 0x0}}, {type = RVE_FREE_FIXUP_ST, u = {number = 0, 
string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 4}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, 
            type = NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, 
len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, {type = NOSUBTYPE, u = 
{number = 0,
              string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, 
select = 0x0}}, {type = NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 
                len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, {type = 
NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, data = 0x0,
              attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}}
        __func__ = "do_action"
#21 0x000000000042e4f4 in run_actions (h=0xffffc151c308, a=0xffff89cb95f8, 
msg=0xffff89edb0e0) at action.c:1583
        t = 0xffff89cc0060
        ret = 1
        mod = 0x500000000
        ms = 0
        __func__ = "run_actions"
#22 0x000000000041b344 in do_action (h=0xffffc151c308, a=0xffff89cda6d0, 
msg=0xffff89edb0e0) at action.c:712
        ret = -5
        v = 1
        dst = {send_sock = 0xffffffff, to = {s = {sa_family = 0, sa_data = 
"\000\000\000\000\000\000\350\217H\211\377\377\000"}, sin = {sin_family = 0,
              sin_port = 0, sin_addr = {s_addr = 0}, sin_zero = 
"\350\217H\211\377\377\000"}, sin6 = {sin6_family = 0, sin6_port = 0, 
sin6_flowinfo = 0,
              sin6_addr = {__in6_u = {__u6_addr8 = 
"\350\217H\211\377\377\000\000\025\000\000\000\000\000\000", __u6_addr16 = 
{36840, 35144, 65535, 0, 21, 0, 0,
                    0}, __u6_addr32 = {2303234024, 65535, 21, 0}}}, 
sin6_scope_id = 3243357184}}, id = 65535, proto = 228 '\344', send_flags = {f = 
150 '\226',
            blst_imask = 102 'f'}}
        tmp = 0xffffc151ba10 "\001"
        new_uri = 0xffffc151b4e0 "P\202\315\211\377\377"
        end = 0xffff89cc51f8 "\002"
        crt = 0xffff89ccfe30 "\001"
        cmd = 0xffff89ccfe38
        len = 0
        user = 1782988809
        uri = {user = {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>, 
len = 8380216}, passwd = {
            s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x30f1dfda>, 
len = 1782988809}, host = {s = 0x0, len = -1980911392}, port = {
            s = 0xffff89ccfce8 "\314\003", len = -1051610496}, params = {s = 
0xffff00000000 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xffff00000000>,
            len = -1849245812}, sip_params = {s = 0x91d56000 <error: Cannot 
access memory at address 0x91d56000>, len = 1077747920}, headers = {
            s = 0x191d54000 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0x191d54000>, len = 0}, port_no = 46064, proto = 49489, type = 65535,
          flags = (unknown: 5936264), transport = {s = 0xffffffff <error: 
Cannot access memory at address 0xffffffff>, len = -1980911392}, ttl = {
            s = 0xffff89ccfce8 "\314\003", len = -1051606264}, user_param = {s 
= 0x0, len = 1}, maddr = {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
            len = 8380216}, method = {s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access 
memory at address 0x30f1dfda>, len = 1782988809}, lr = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, r2 = 
            s = 0x0, len = 0}, gr = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, transport_val = {s = 
0xffffc151b1d0 "P\262Q\301\377\377", len = 336530744}, ttl_val = {
            s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x30f1dfda>, 
len = -719561672}, user_param_val = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, maddr_val = {s = 0x0,
            len = 0}, method_val = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, lr_val = {s = 0x0, len = 
0}, r2_val = {
            s = 0xffff00000000 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0xffff00000000>, len = 32}, gr_val = {s = 0xffff91c00b00 " 
            len = -1051608560}}
        next_hop = {user = {s = 0xffffc151b0b0 "h\207\304\211\377\377", len = 
4382880}, passwd = {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>,
            len = 0}, host = {s = 0xffffc151b130 "\320\262Q\301\377\377", len = 
5805596}, port = {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>,
            len = 8380216}, params = {s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access 
memory at address 0x30f1dfda>, len = 1782988809}, sip_params = {
            s = 0xffff89c48768 "\250\320q\211\377\377", len = 4386112}, headers 
= {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>, len = 8380216},
          port_no = 57306, proto = 12529, type = ERROR_URI_T, flags = 
(URI_USER_NORMALIZE | unknown: 1782988808), transport = {
            s = 0xffffc151b150 "8\335\314\211\377\377", len = -1980911392}, ttl 
= {s = 0xffff89ccdd38 "\307\003", len = -1051610784}, user_param = {
            s = 0xffffc151b560 "\207", len = 5006156}, maddr = {s = 0x87 
<error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>, len = 8380216}, method = {
            s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x30f1dfda>, 
len = 1782988809}, lr = {s = 0xffffc151b2d0 "", len = -1983057000}, r2 = {
            s = 0xffff89edb0e0 "\006", len = -1051606264}, gr = {s = 
0xffff89ccdd38 "\307\003", len = -1051606264}, transport_val = {s = 0x0, len = 
1}, ttl_val = {
            s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>, len = 
8380216}, user_param_val = {s = 0xffffc151b1d0 "P\262Q\301\377\377", len = 
          maddr_val = {s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>, 
len = 0}, method_val = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, lr_val = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, r2_val 
= {
            s = 0xffffc151b0b0 "h\207\304\211\377\377", len = 336530744}, 
gr_val = {s = 0xffffc151b250 "\360\263Q\301\377\377", len = 4386112}}
        u = 0x30f1dfda
        port = 0
        dst_host = 0xffffc151c308
        i = 3
        flags = 0
        avp = 0x87
        st = {flags = 3243361032, id = 65535, name = {n = 0, s = {s = 0x0, len 
= -1}, re = 0x0}, avp = 0x87}
        sct = 0x87
        sjt = 0x1
        rve = 0xffff89cd8250
        mct = 0xffffc151b450
        rv = 0xffff89cc8880
        rv1 = 0x41ec6c <do_action+35204>
        c1 = {cache_type = 5928904, val_type = RV_NONE, c = {avp_val = {n = 
-1051611072, s = {
                s = 0xffffffffc151b040 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0xffffffffc151b040>, len = 0}, re = 0xffffffffc151b040}, pval = {rs = {
                s = 0xffffffffc151b040 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0xffffffffc151b040>, len = 0}, ri = -1051610704, flags = 1}},
          i2s = "\210\224Z", '\000' <repeats 13 times>, 
        s = {s = 0x6800000000 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0x6800000000>, len = -1051611120}
        srevp = {0xffffc151b040, 0xffffc151b3f8}
        mod_f_params = {{type = NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = 
{s = 0x0, len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, {type = NUMBER_ST,
            u = {number = 1, string = 0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at 
address 0x1>, str = {s = 0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1>, len 
= 0},
              data = 0x1, attr = 0x1, select = 0x1}}, {type = 
RVE_FREE_FIXUP_ST, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 1}, 
data = 0x0, attr = 0x0,
              select = 0x0}}, {type = RVE_FREE_FIXUP_ST, u = {number = 0, 
string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 4}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, 
            type = NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, 
len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, {type = NOSUBTYPE, u = 
{number = 0,
              string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, 
select = 0x0}}, {type = NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 
                len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, {type = 
NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, data = 0x0,
              attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}}
        __func__ = "do_action"
#23 0x000000000042e4f4 in run_actions (h=0xffffc151c308, a=0xffff89cd3dd0, 
msg=0xffff89edb0e0) at action.c:1583
        t = 0xffff89cda6d0
        ret = 1
        mod = 0x1
        ms = 0
        __func__ = "run_actions"
#24 0x000000000041f148 in do_action (h=0xffffc151c308, a=0xffff89cda960, 
msg=0xffff89edb0e0) at action.c:1079
        ret = 1
        v = 1
        dst = {send_sock = 0x1d00000002, to = {s = {sa_family = 0, sa_data = 
"\000\000\000\000\000\000\200p\000\000\000\000\000"}, sin = {sin_family = 0,
              sin_port = 0, sin_addr = {s_addr = 0}, sin_zero = 
"\200p\000\000\000\000\000"}, sin6 = {sin6_family = 0, sin6_port = 0, 
sin6_flowinfo = 0,
              sin6_addr = {__in6_u = {__u6_addr8 = 
"\200p\000\000\000\000\000\000\240\"0@\000\000\000", __u6_addr16 = {28800, 0, 
0, 0, 8864, 16432, 0, 0},
                  __u6_addr32 = {28800, 0, 1076896416, 0}}}, sin6_scope_id = 
3243359008}}, id = 65535, proto = 0 '\000', send_flags = {f = 37 '%',
            blst_imask = 72 'H'}}
        tmp = 0xffffc151c090 ""
        new_uri = 0xffffc151fdc6 "/var/Olympus/kamailio.cfg"
        end = 0xffff89c5f350 ""
        crt = 0xffff89ca8b68 "\001"
        cmd = 0x0
        len = 2
        user = 1782988809
        uri = {user = {s = 0xffff91d56000 <initial_quick+456> "", len = 
1077747920}, passwd = {s = 0xffff91d54000 <real...@got.plt> 
            len = 32}, host = {s = 0xffff91c00b00 " \022\300\221\377\377", len 
= -1051608560}, port = {
            s = 0xffffffff <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xffffffff>, 
len = 0}, params = {s = 0xffff89488fe8 "%s: %s%s:%d:%.*s", len = 21},
          sip_params = {s = 0xffffc151b8e0 "", len = -1848750100}, headers = {s 
= 0xffff91d56000 <initial_quick+456> "", len = 1077747920}, port_no = 47328,
          proto = 49489, type = 65535, flags = (unknown: 0), transport = {s = 
0xffffc151ba00 " \273Q\301\377\377", len = -1848749588}, ttl = {
            s = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>, len = 
8380216}, user_param = {
            s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x30f1dfda>, 
len = 1782988809}, maddr = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, method = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, lr 
= {
            s = 0x0, len = 0}, r2 = {s = 0xffffc151bb00 "\332\337\361\060", len 
= -1051608320}, gr = {s = 0xffffc151bad0 "0\337\177", len = -48}, transport_val 
= {
            s = 0xffffc151ba30 "", len = -1051608528}, ttl_val = {s = 
0x5a6fd201 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x5a6fd201>, len = 
          user_param_val = {s = 0x82 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0x82>, len = 0}, maddr_val = {
            s = 0x2564253a73257325 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0x2564253a73257325>, len = 115}, method_val = {
            s = 0x65706c656874616e <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0x65706c656874616e>, len = 1077748512}, lr_val = {s = 0x0, len = -256}, r2_val 
= {
            s = 0x0, len = 37}, gr_val = {s = 0x1e0000000a <error: Cannot 
access memory at address 0x1e0000000a>, len = 0}}
        next_hop = {user = {s = 0xffffc151b7d0 "0\270Q\301\377\377", len = 
-1848950520}, passwd = {s = 0xffffc151b9c8 "%", len = 15}, host = {s = 
0x403d232c "",
            len = 0}, port = {s = 0xffff91d3e51f "T ", len = -1848297408}, 
params = {s = 0xffff91d39748 "%H:%M:%S", len = 8187}, sip_params = {s = 
0x403d232c "",
            len = 1077748532}, headers = {s = 0xffffc151b7d0 
"0\270Q\301\377\377", len = -1849087388}, port_no = 8976, proto = 16445, type = 
          flags = (unknown: 2446674336), transport = {s = 0x90 <error: Cannot 
access memory at address 0x90>, len = 144}, ttl = {
            s = 0x1f81 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1f81>, len = 
8208}, user_param = {s = 0x403d4320 "", len = 0}, maddr = {
            s = 0xffff89488fe8 "%s: %s%s:%d:%.*s", len = 21}, method = {s = 
0xffffc151b860 "", len = -1849080668}, lr = {s = 0xffff91d549a0 <main_arena> "",
            len = 121968}, r2 = {s = 0x2000 <error: Cannot access memory at 
address 0x2000>, len = -1848295424}, gr = {s = 0xffffc151b830 " 
            len = -1849081660}, transport_val = {s = 0x403d2320 "", len = 131}, 
ttl_val = {s = 0x403d2310 "\260#=@", len = 144}, user_param_val = {
            s = 0xffff91d549a0 <main_arena> "", len = 8208}, maddr_val = {s = 
0xffffc151b8a0 "\350\217H\211\377\377", len = -1849167692}, method_val = {
            s = 0x403d20d0 "\002", len = 0}, lr_val = {s = 0xffff91d51420 
<_IO_mem_jumps> "", len = 32}, r2_val = {s = 0xffff91c00b00 " 
            len = -1051608560}, gr_val = {s = 0xffffc151b8e0 "", len = 
        u = 0x30f1dfda
        port = 0
        dst_host = 0x6a464009
        i = 55
        flags = 65535
        avp = 0xffff89ed1ad8
        st = {flags = 0, id = 0, name = {n = 8497288, s = {s = 0x81a888 "%s: 
%s%s(): final buffer length %d\n", len = 21}, re = 0x81a888}, avp = 
        sct = 0x2525252525252525
        sjt = 0xffffff80ffffffd0
        rve = 0xffff89ccfe30
        mct = 0xffffc151bad0
        rv = 0x403d4320
        rv1 = 0xffff89edb0e0
        c1 = {cache_type = 2445879908, val_type = 65535, c = {avp_val = {n = 
1077748496, s = {s = 0x403d2310 "\260#=@", len = -1848292960}, re = 0x403d2310},
            pval = {rs = {s = 0x403d2310 "\260#=@", len = -1848292960}, ri = 
128, flags = 0}},
          i2s = 
        s = {s = 0x403d2334 "", len = -1051609344}
        srevp = {0x1ffb, 0x403d232c}
        mod_f_params = {{type = NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = 
{s = 0x0, len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, {type = NUMBER_ST,
            u = {number = 1, string = 0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at 
address 0x1>, str = {s = 0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1>, len 
= 0},
              data = 0x1, attr = 0x1, select = 0x1}}, {type = 
RVE_FREE_FIXUP_ST, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 1}, 
data = 0x0, attr = 0x0,
              select = 0x0}}, {type = RVE_FREE_FIXUP_ST, u = {number = 0, 
string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 4}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, 
            type = NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, 
len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, {type = NOSUBTYPE, u = 
{number = 0,
              string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, 
select = 0x0}}, {type = NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 
                len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, {type = 
NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, data = 0x0,
              attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}}
        __func__ = "do_action"
#25 0x000000000042e4f4 in run_actions (h=0xffffc151c308, a=0xffff89ccf070, 
msg=0xffff89edb0e0) at action.c:1583
        t = 0xffff89cda960
        ret = 1
        mod = 0xffff89ca7fd0
        ms = 0
        __func__ = "run_actions"
#26 0x000000000041b344 in do_action (h=0xffffc151c308, a=0xffff89caa7f0, 
msg=0xffff89edb0e0) at action.c:712
        ret = -5
        v = 0
        dst = {send_sock = 0x403d118c, to = {s = {sa_family = 0, sa_data = 
"\000\000\000\000\000\000\037\345\323\221\377\377\000"}, sin = {sin_family = 0,
              sin_port = 0, sin_addr = {s_addr = 0}, sin_zero = 
"\037\345\323\221\377\377\000"}, sin6 = {sin6_family = 0, sin6_port = 0, 
sin6_flowinfo = 0,
              sin6_addr = {__in6_u = {__u6_addr8 = 
"\037\345\323\221\377\377\000\000@8\325\221\377\377\000", __u6_addr16 = {58655, 
37331, 65535, 0, 14400, 37333,
                    65535, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {2446583071, 65535, 2446669888, 
65535}}}, sin6_scope_id = 2446563144}}, id = 65535, proto = 251 '\373', 
send_flags = {
            f = 31 '\037', blst_imask = 0 '\000'}}
        tmp = 0xffff91ce4fec <__vsyslog_chk+892> 
        new_uri = 0xffff91d549a0 <main_arena> ""
        end = 0x90 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x90>
        crt = 0x87 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x87>
        cmd = 0xffff89c51ce8
        len = 0
        user = 4382880
        uri = {user = {s = 0x403d3180 "", len = 0}, passwd = {s = 0x872200 "%s: 
%s%s(): header field type %d, name=<%.*s>, body=<%.*s>\n", len = 21}, host = {
            s = 0xffffc151bfc0 "\250/\207", len = -1849080668}, port = {s = 
0xffffc151c000 "`\300Q\301\377\377", len = -1848950520}, params = {
            s = 0xffffc151c1f8 "\005", len = 15}, sip_params = {s = 0x403d118c 
"", len = 0}, headers = {s = 0xffff91d3e51f "T ", len = -1848297408},
          port_no = 38728, proto = 37331, type = 65535, flags = 
(URI_USER_NORMALIZE | URI_SIP_USER_PHONE | unknown: 8184), transport = {s = 
0x403d118c "",
            len = 1077744020}, ttl = {s = 0xffffc151c000 "`\300Q\301\377\377", 
len = -1849087388}, user_param = {s = 0x403d1170 "", len = -1848292960}, maddr 
= {
            s = 0x80 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x80>, len = 128}, 
method = {s = 0x1f91 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1f91>, len = 
          lr = {s = 0x403d3180 "", len = 0}, r2 = {s = 0x872fa8 "%s: %s%s(): 
exiting parse_msg\n", len = 21}, gr = {s = 0xffffc151c090 "", len = 
          transport_val = {s = 0xffff91d549a0 <main_arena> "", len = 126496}, 
ttl_val = {s = 0x2000 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x2000>,
            len = -1848295424}, user_param_val = {s = 0xffffc151c060 
"\214\021=@", len = -1849081660}, maddr_val = {s = 0x403d1180 "", len = 112}, 
method_val = {
            s = 0x403d1170 "", len = 128}, lr_val = {s = 0xffff91d549a0 
<main_arena> "", len = 8208}, r2_val = {s = 0xffffc151c130 
            len = -1848950520}, gr_val = {s = 0xffffc151c328 
"\332\337\361\060", len = 15}}
        next_hop = {user = {s = 0xffff91d344c0 <step4_jumps> "", len = -1}, 
passwd = {s = 0xffff91c65a28 <vfprintf+4472> "\247\034", len = 0}, host = {
            s = 0xbd0 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xbd0>, len = 
-1051605968}, port = {s = 0x3 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x3>,
            len = -1051605920}, params = {s = 0xffffffe8ffffff80 <error: Cannot 
access memory at address 0xffffffe8ffffff80>, len = -1051605920}, sip_params = {
            s = 0x30f1dfda <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x30f1dfda>, 
len = 1782988809}, headers = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, port_no = 0, proto = 0,
          type = ERROR_URI_T, flags = (unknown: 8513280), transport = {s = 0x0, 
len = 0}, ttl = {s = 0xffffc151bfb0 "\200\061=@", len = -1051607120},
          user_param = {s = 0xffffc151bf80 "p\021=@", len = -48}, maddr = {s = 
0x3e732a2e253c203d <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x3e732a2e253c203d>,
            len = -1051605920}, method = {s = 0xffffc151c460 "", len = 
-1051605968}, lr = {
            s = 0xffffff80ffffffd0 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0xffffff80ffffffd0>, len = 0}, r2 = {s = 0xffffc151bf30 "\214\021=@",
            len = -1848950520}, gr = {s = 0xffffc151c128 "", len = 15}, 
transport_val = {s = 0x403d118c "", len = 0}, ttl_val = {s = 0xffff91d3e51f "T 
            len = -1848297408}, user_param_val = {s = 0xffff91d39748 
"%H:%M:%S", len = 8187}, maddr_val = {s = 0x403d118c "", len = 1077744020}, 
method_val = {
            s = 0xffffc151bf30 "\214\021=@", len = -1849087388}, lr_val = {s = 
0x403d1170 "", len = -1848292960}, r2_val = {
            s = 0xd0 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xd0>, len = 208}, 
gr_val = {s = 0x1f41 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1f41>, len = 
        u = 0xffffc151c250
        port = 0
        dst_host = 0x403d0f30
        i = 5
        flags = 0
        avp = 0xffffffff
        st = {flags = 3243359704, id = 65535, name = {n = 11, s = {s = 0xb 
<error: Cannot access memory at address 0xb>, len = 0}, re = 0xb}, avp = 
        sct = 0x1f81
        sjt = 0x90
        rve = 0xffff89ca8b68
        mct = 0x90
        rv = 0xb
        rv1 = 0xffffc151c370
        c1 = {cache_type = 3243361024, val_type = 65535, c = {avp_val = {n = 
-48, s = {
                s = 0xffffff80ffffffd0 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0xffffff80ffffffd0>, len = -1848750328}, re = 0xffffff80ffffffd0}, pval = {rs = 
                s = 0xffffff80ffffffd0 <error: Cannot access memory at address 
0xffffff80ffffffd0>, len = -1848750328}, ri = -1848287232, flags = 65535}},
          i2s = 
        s = {s = 0xffffc151c330 "\t@Fj", len = -1051606224}
        srevp = {0x15, 0xffff91d51420 <_IO_mem_jumps>}
        mod_f_params = {{type = NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = 
{s = 0x0, len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, {type = NUMBER_ST,
            u = {number = 1, string = 0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at 
address 0x1>, str = {s = 0x1 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x1>, len 
= 0},
              data = 0x1, attr = 0x1, select = 0x1}}, {type = 
RVE_FREE_FIXUP_ST, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 1}, 
data = 0x0, attr = 0x0,
              select = 0x0}}, {type = RVE_FREE_FIXUP_ST, u = {number = 0, 
string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 4}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, 
            type = NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, 
len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, {type = NOSUBTYPE, u = 
{number = 0,
              string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, 
select = 0x0}}, {type = NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 
                len = 0}, data = 0x0, attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}, {type = 
NOSUBTYPE, u = {number = 0, string = 0x0, str = {s = 0x0, len = 0}, data = 0x0,
              attr = 0x0, select = 0x0}}}
        __func__ = "do_action"
#27 0x000000000042e4f4 in run_actions (h=0xffffc151c308, a=0xffff89c69c10, 
msg=0xffff89edb0e0) at action.c:1583
        t = 0xffff89caa7f0
        ret = 1
        mod = 0x42edbc <run_top_route+68>
        ms = 0
        __func__ = "run_actions"
#28 0x000000000042edf4 in run_top_route (a=0xffff89c69c10, msg=0xffff89edb0e0, 
c=0x0) at action.c:1669
        ctx = {rec_lev = 4, run_flags = 0, last_retcode = -1, jmp_env = 
{{__jmpbuf = {135, 8380216, 821157850, 1782988809, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
                11845808158218849592, 281473925104736, 11845659156157312952, 0, 
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {
                  281473925104656, 6074936, 4611686022722355200, 0, 
4611686022722355200, 281472995799264, 0, 4611686018427387904, 281473925104768, 
5623960, 135,
                  8380216, 821157850, 1782988809, 4303481704, 
        p = 0xffffc151c308
        ret = 8380216
        sfbk = 0
#29 0x000000000055d0e4 in receive_msg (
    buf=0x97fc38 <buf> "BYE 
SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z-
9hG4bK1284828286\r\nRoute: <sip:;r2=on;lr=on;nat=ye"..., len=552, 
rcv_info=0xffffc151c700) at receive.c:216
        msg = 0xffff89edb0e0
        ctx = {rec_lev = 0, run_flags = 0, last_retcode = -1, jmp_env = 
{{__jmpbuf = {135, 8380216, 821157850, 1782988809, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
                11845808158218849592, 135, 11845659156157312952, 0, 0, 135, 
8380216, 821157850, 0, 0, 167503724544}, __mask_was_saved = 10026040, 
__saved_mask = {
                __val = {281473925105416, 65535, 55834574851, 3243362056, 
281472993081032, 281473925105216, 7090548, 135, 8380216, 821157850, 1782988809,
                  281473925105200, 167510816244, 10026040, 281473925105408, 
        ret = 1
        inb = {
          s = 0x97fc38 <buf> "BYE 
SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK1284828286\r\nRoute: 
<sip:;r2=on;lr=on;nat=ye"..., len = 552}
        __func__ = "receive_msg"
#30 0x00000000006cbbbc in udp_rcv_loop () at udp_server.c:544
        len = 552
        buf = "BYE 
SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK1284828286\r\nRoute: 
        tmp = 0x98fc38 <buff> ""
        from = 0xffff89c436c8
        fromlen = 16
        ri = {src_ip = {af = 2, len = 4, u = {addrl = {8030798178131141642, 
8297102154720439139}, addr32 = {3730596874, 1869815908, 624782179, 1931819635},
              addr16 = {25610, 56924, 8292, 28531, 27491, 9533, 14963, 29477}, 
addr = "\nd\\\336d sock=%s:%s"}}, dst_ip = {af = 2, len = 4, u = {addrl = {
                3730596874, 0}, addr32 = {3730596874, 0, 0, 0}, addr16 = 
{25610, 56924, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, addr = "\nd\\\336", '\000' <repeats 11 
          src_port = 5062, dst_port = 5060, proto_reserved1 = 0, 
proto_reserved2 = 0, src_su = {s = {sa_family = 2,
              sa_data = "\023\306\nd\\\336\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, sin = 
{sin_family = 2, sin_port = 50707, sin_addr = {s_addr = 3730596874},
              sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, sin6 = {sin6_family = 
2, sin6_port = 50707, sin6_flowinfo = 3730596874, sin6_addr = {__in6_u = {
                  __u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, __u6_addr16 = {0, 0, 
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}}}, sin6_scope_id = 0}},
          bind_address = 0xffff89c42c20, proto = 1 '\001'}
        from_in = {s_addr = 3243362056}
        __func__ = "udp_rcv_loop"
#31 0x00000000004d63b4 in main_loop () at main.c:1629
        i = 7
        pid = 0
        si = 0xffff89c42c20
        si_desc = "udp receiver child=7 
 '\000' <repeats 16 times>, "ged to %(\004\347\211\377\377\000\000<core> 
        r = 0
        nrprocs = 8
        __func__ = "main_loop"
#32 0x00000000004deea0 in main (argc=12, argv=0xffffc151cba8) at main.c:2581
        cfg_stream = 0x403022b0
        c = -1
        r = 0
        tmp = 0xffffc151fdf2 ""
        tmp_len = 0
        port = 0
        proto = 0
        options = 0x80cac0 
        ret = -1
        seed = 1711791307
        rfd = 291
        debug_save = 4
        debug_flag = 1
        dont_fork_cnt = 0
        n_lst = 0xffff91e0dd98 <_dl_fini>
        p = 0xffff91c3f314 <__libc_start_main+140> "\247\b"
        __func__ = "main"

#### Log Messages

Check the syslog file and if there are relevant log messages printed by 
Kamailio, add them next, or attach to issue, or provide a link to download them 
(e.g., to a pastebin site).

(paste your log messages here)

#### SIP Traffic

If the issue is exposed by processing specific SIP messages, grab them with 
ngrep or save in a pcap file, then add them next, or attach to issue, or 
provide a link to download them (e.g., to a pastebin site).

(paste your sip traffic here)

### Possible Solutions

If you found a solution or workaround for the issue, describe it. Ideally, 
provide a pull request with a fix.

### Additional Information

  * **Kamailio Version** - output of `kamailio -v`

version: Kamailio , TEST   (armv41/linux)
poll method support: poll, epoll_lt, epoll_et, sigio_rt, select.


* **Operating System**:

Details about the operating system, the type: Linux (e.g.,: Debian 8.4, Ubuntu 
16.04, CentOS 7.1, ...), MacOS, xBSD, Solaris, ...;
Kernel details (output of `uname -a`)

#uname -a
Linux XXX 4.4.13 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Mar 24 10:50:44 CST 2017 aarch64 GNU/Linux

* **Kamailio Configuration**

sh kamctl ps

Process::  ID=0 PID=6801 Type=attendant
Process::  ID=1 PID=6802 Type=udp receiver child=0 
Process::  ID=2 PID=6803 Type=udp receiver child=1 
Process::  ID=3 PID=6804 Type=udp receiver child=2 
Process::  ID=4 PID=6805 Type=udp receiver child=3 
Process::  ID=5 PID=6806 Type=udp receiver child=4 
Process::  ID=6 PID=6807 Type=udp receiver child=5 
Process::  ID=7 PID=6808 Type=udp receiver child=6 
Process::  ID=8 PID=6809 Type=udp receiver child=7 
Process::  ID=9 PID=6810 Type=udp receiver child=0 sock=
Process::  ID=10 PID=6811 Type=udp receiver child=1 sock=
Process::  ID=11 PID=6812 Type=udp receiver child=2 sock=
Process::  ID=12 PID=6813 Type=udp receiver child=3 sock=
Process::  ID=13 PID=6814 Type=udp receiver child=4 sock=
Process::  ID=14 PID=6815 Type=udp receiver child=5 sock=
Process::  ID=15 PID=6816 Type=udp receiver child=6 sock=
Process::  ID=16 PID=6817 Type=udp receiver child=7 sock=
Process::  ID=17 PID=6818 Type=slow timer
Process::  ID=18 PID=6819 Type=timer
Process::  ID=19 PID=6820 Type=MI FIFO
Process::  ID=20 PID=6821 Type=ctl handler
Process::  ID=21 PID=6822 Type=TIMER NH
Process::  ID=22 PID=6823 Type=Dialog Clean Timer
Process::  ID=23 PID=6824 Type=RTIMER SEC EXEC
Process::  ID=24 PID=6825 Type=RTIMER SEC EXEC
Process::  ID=25 PID=6826 Type=ASYNC MOD TIMER
Process::  ID=26 PID=6827 Type=tcp receiver (generic) child=0
Process::  ID=27 PID=6828 Type=tcp receiver (generic) child=1
Process::  ID=28 PID=6829 Type=tcp receiver (generic) child=2
Process::  ID=29 PID=6830 Type=tcp receiver (generic) child=3
Process::  ID=30 PID=6831 Type=tcp receiver (generic) child=4
Process::  ID=31 PID=6832 Type=tcp receiver (generic) child=5
Process::  ID=32 PID=6833 Type=tcp receiver (generic) child=6
Process::  ID=33 PID=6834 Type=tcp receiver (generic) child=7
Process::  ID=34 PID=6835 Type=tcp receiver (tls: child=8
Process::  ID=35 PID=6836 Type=tcp receiver (tls: child=9
Process::  ID=36 PID=6837 Type=tcp receiver (tls: child=10
Process::  ID=37 PID=6838 Type=tcp receiver (tls: child=11
Process::  ID=38 PID=6839 Type=tcp receiver (tls: child=12
Process::  ID=39 PID=6840 Type=tcp receiver (tls: child=13
Process::  ID=40 PID=6841 Type=tcp receiver (tls: child=14
Process::  ID=41 PID=6842 Type=tcp receiver (tls: child=15
Process::  ID=42 PID=6843 Type=tcp receiver (tcp: child=16
Process::  ID=43 PID=6844 Type=tcp receiver (tcp: child=17
Process::  ID=44 PID=6845 Type=tcp receiver (tcp: child=18
Process::  ID=45 PID=6846 Type=tcp receiver (tcp: child=19
Process::  ID=46 PID=6847 Type=tcp receiver (tcp: child=20
Process::  ID=47 PID=6848 Type=tcp receiver (tcp: child=21
Process::  ID=48 PID=6849 Type=tcp receiver (tcp: child=22
Process::  ID=49 PID=6850 Type=tcp receiver (tcp: child=23

some settings in kamaiio.cfg:

- tcp_connection_lifetime=3605
- tcp_rd_buf_size=8192
- modparam("websocket", "keepalive_mechanism", 0)

# xhttp event route
event_route[xhttp:request] {



* **Others**


net.ipv4.tcp_rmem= 10240 87380 12582912
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem= 10240 87380 12582912
net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_no_metrics_save = 1
net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 5000


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