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### Description
Could a module parameter be added to retry a request _n_ number of times in the 
event of a connection or server failure, without having to write a tedious bit 
of boiler plate config to catch failure response codes and retry.

### Expected behavior
A http(s) post or get is performed and the returned code is < 0 but > -20 (null 
url return code in libruxc) or is a 5xx or 6xx http error code.  The module 
will reattempt the request up to the number of attempts defined in a module 
By default this behaviour is disabled and would require explicitly defining the 
module parameter to enable it.
Requests could be exempted from automatic retries by either adding an 
additional argument to the function called in config, or a http header could be 
supplied `X-RUXC-NORETRY` for example using the existing function signature to 
exclude the request.  
The header name could also be defined as a module parameter.

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