
On 22.05.17 16:56, Donat Zenichev wrote:
> Well, actually I can try.
> What will be the main goal of this edition?
to get it updated for latest kamailio stable version, 5.0.x.
> Now I'm trying to find all features (about Radius) that have any
> influence on authentication process.
> And one more question, is it possible to discuss the refurbish actions
> of the article not at sr-list, but in personal mailing?

Discussions on mailing list is better. I don't use RADIUS anymore, for
many years, so I can't really help much on private.

Moreover, my inbox is not checked very often, it's a lot of unsolicited
mail there. I rarely respond to emails there, unless I ask explicitly
for some sensitive details and then have a filter on catching such
messages. I check always the folders for mailing lists when I have a bit
of time, when it's nothing do respond on mailing list, nothing to fix
from bug tracker or nothing else to spend time on it, then I may get on
the inbox -- in other words, it's very unlikely, that's why I send from
time to time reminders here that writing private messages regarding
kamailio have little chance to be answered - mailing lists are way better.


> 2017-05-22 9:56 GMT+03:00 Donat Zenichev <donat.zenic...@gmail.com
> <mailto:donat.zenic...@gmail.com>>:
>     What did you mean, when you ask for 'backend'?
>     If you meant an storage, so it's not a .txt users file, I'm using
>     db - radcheck table.
>     So guys, the I've solved the problem.
>     It wasn't consisted of kamailio functions or radius configuration.
>     So you're free to use: www_challenge("$fd", "1"), until
>     up radius_www_authorize("$fd","$fU") comes up.
>     Qop parameter does what he does and changes nothing within radius
>     authentication process.
>     My problem was about username column in radcheck table.
>     It's not enough to insert an username, you ought to use full URI,
>     like: username@my.proxy.domain
>     Also don't forget about attributes of the row that belongs to a
>     certain user agent.
>     So my part of table for one of users looks like that:
> ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
> ;---id---;---username-------;------attribute---------;------op-------;----------value---------------------;
> ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
>     ;__1__;__ua@dom.com_;__User-Password_;___==_____;_____hereuapassowrd____;
>     ;__2__;__ua@dom.com_;__Auth-Type_____;___:=______;_____Digest____________;
>     ;__....
>     Actually, I don't know why, but there is just a few articles all
>     over the net, that describes a bit the functionality and
>     processing with auth_radius module.
>     I hope my case will be useful for others, who uses kamailio +
>     radius/db
>     But I have a problem how to request AVPs for a certain user from
>     RADIUS, I found some solutions with SIP-AVP attribute, but still
>     haven't done it.
>     Now I have to databases, one for Kamailio (that contains users
>     AVPs, that Kamailio gets by avp_db_query) and second for users
>     credentials (that are used while authorization on INVITE, REGISTER
>     requests).
>     And as for the future, I have a goal to store passwords in ha1,
>     haven't started to discover this.
>     2017-05-18 17:11 GMT+03:00 Donat Zenichev
>     <donat.zenic...@gmail.com <mailto:donat.zenic...@gmail.com>>:
>         Hi all.
>         Have a problem with radius authorization.
>         I'm using auth_radius.so
>         modparams, only path to client file:
>         modparam("auth_radius", "radius_config",
>         "/etc/radiusclient/radiusclient.conf")
>         Freeradius installed and is working properly, radtest
>         authentication from kamailio host succeed .
>         How authorization block looks like:
>         if (!is_present_hf("Authorization")) {
>         xlog("L_NOTICE", "----- Athorization HF is not found - passing
>         the challenge -----\n");
>         if (nat_uac_test("2")) {
>         force_rport();
>         }
>         www_challenge("$fd", "1");
>         exit;
>         if (!radius_www_authorize("$fd","$fU")) {
>         if (nat_uac_test("2")) {
>         force_rport();
>         }
>         xlog("L_NOTICE", "----- Registeration $au@$ar ($fU) from
>         $si:$sp Rejected. Code: $rc -----\n");
>         sl_send_reply("401","Unauthorized");
>         exit;
>         Radius log is filled by rows like:
>         Auth: [digest] Cleartext-Password or Digest-HA1 is required
>         for authentication.
>         Tried to use radius_www_authorize without $fU - didn't change
>         anything.
>         Tried to use www_challenge without qop - didn't change anything.
>         So, this solution is quite simple, but I have a fail while
>         digest authentication.
>         Any ideas? 
>         -- 
>         -- 
>         BR, Donat Zenichev
>         Wnet VoIP team
>         Tel:  +380(44) 5-900-808
>         http://wnet.ua
>     -- 
>     -- 
>     BR, Donat Zenichev
>     Wnet VoIP team
>     Tel:  +380(44) 5-900-808
>     http://wnet.ua
> -- 
> -- 
> BR, Donat Zenichev
> Wnet VoIP team
> Tel:  +380(44) 5-900-808
> http://wnet.ua
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