On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 08:51:24AM -0400, Ryan Wagoner wrote:
> Thanks for the explanation! I finally got the dispatcher working in an
> active / passive Kamailio cluster in front of three FreePBX servers. I was
> using the Asipto Kamailio and Asterisk real time guide as a starting point
> so it had the WITHINDLG route. I ended up modifying the TOASTERISK route to
> call ds_select_dst and the FROMASTERSK route uses an htable for matching
> IPs off a mySQL view of the Kamailio dispatcher table.

Am I interpreting this as: you wanto check if a message is coming from a
If yes, take a look at ds_is_from_list:

> I also have some modifications to the REGFWD route. We'll see how
> performance is today as I did have to use a sqlops query to lookup the
> dispatcher set ID for TOASTERISK and REGFWD depending on the
> authentication ID. This setup is responsible for around 1000
> extensions with 2000 devices for a high volume call center.

Shouldn't be a problem.

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