On Fri, Sep 01, 2017 at 12:50:50PM +0100, Mark Boyce wrote:
> Trying to get a basic version of homer working on Kamailio V5. So far I have 
> sipcapture throwing everything in to a single mysql table.
> So first question;  Should I be using sipcapture or siptrace?  I’m not sure I 
> can see the difference.
> Second question;  On what I have working so far using sipcapture, I’m seeing 
> the invites, subscribes, cancels, act’s all end up in the database.  What I’m 
> missing is any responses from Kamailio back to the handset (AUTh Challenges 
> etc)
> modparam("sipcapture", "db_url", 
> "mysql://sipcapture:secretpassword@localhost/homer_data")
> modparam("sipcapture", "capture_on", 1)
> modparam("sipcapture", "hep_capture_on", 1)
> modparam("sipcapture", "insert_retries", 5)
> modparam("sipcapture", "insert_retry_timeout", 10)
> plus a sprinkling of  "sip_capture(); “ in the “xxx_route {“ blocks
> What am I missing?

siptrace and sipcluster look similar indeed. I'm no expert in this (just
started playing with Homer myself) but inmy mind:
siptrace is used on a client to duplicate SIP messages to a server
running sipcapture (using raw/HEP message)

But since siptrace also has the ability to store in a database and you
can tell siptrace the duplicate all messages with 
modparam("siptrace", "trace_mode", 1)
That way you should see all messages in a dialog.

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