> Having a similar setup with failover for the loadbalancers, I take for
> granted that TCP/TLS will fail in case of a failover (but UDP will keep
> working after failover due to the stateless nature of it).

Well, your routing servers use PJSIP for NAPTR resolving?
If so, how have you made it working?

I mean, did you find a solution for TCP connections?

2017-09-07 11:03 GMT+03:00 Donat Zenichev <donat.zenic...@gmail.com>:

> Hi.
> Recently I've come across with TCP connection problem.
> The topology is as following:
> DNS srv load balancer - two kamailio proxy servers - one routing server.
> Client appeals to NAPTR record like: sip.domain.com
> So dns returns one of the proxy servers to client (depending on
> weight/priority). Now both kamailio have the same priority and weight (the
> goal is load balancing).
> Routing server (now it is asterisk) working with chan_pjsip.so, that
> supports NAPTR/SRV records.
> He is able to resolve Record-Route / Route headers with value -
> sip.domain.com (that proxy servers add to record-route headers while
> relaying requests to him).
> This topology is done to support present dialogs, even if proxy that
> recently processed it, is dead.
> But the problem comes, when routing server (asterisk) sends in-dialog
> requests to the proxy, that wasn't used to establish the dialog.
> Example, routing server obtains 200 OK from endpoint (relayed by kamailio1
> to him) and he sends back ACK, but not to the kamailio1, he sends it to
> kamailio2 (because he resolves NAPTR sip.domain.com and gets ip of second
> kamailio). Kamailio2 processes the request as usual, because both kamailio
> have the same db for dialog module, but when he tries to relay the request
> to endpoint, he gots the error:
> ERROR: <core> [tcp_main.c:4070]: handle_tcpconn_ev(): connect
> XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:52185 failed
> The port that kamailio2 tries to use to relay the ACK, is port that
> endpoint used to establish the dialog with kamailio1 and actually his TCP
> connection is now established with kamailio1.
> So kamailio2 tries to use the same port and gets the error.
> And this is proper behavior I think.
> There is no problem with UDP transport.
> Has anyone seen the similar problem? That indeed is not a problem, but
> proper behavior.
> --
> --
> BR, Donat Zenichev
> Wnet VoIP team
> Tel:  +380(44) 5-900-808
> http://wnet.ua

BR, Donat Zenichev
Wnet VoIP team
Tel:  +380(44) 5-900-808
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