
On 22.11.17 12:42, Karsten Horsmann wrote:
> Hello List,
> i dunno why this happen :) after i write an email to the list - but
> now i found it.
> the app_lua/kemi function name is sr.dispatcher.select for ds_select_dst

as wrote on my previous response to your initial email in this
discussion, this is not via KEMI, the "sr" module in Lua is old style
implementation, when for each function exported to Lua, new C code had
to be written inside app_lua. But you can still use it, as in v5.0 many
modules didn't export their functions to kemi.


> The source-code documentation guides me to this point after greping
> around in app_lua.
>     # dst_select( "GROUP", "HASH METHOD")
>     if(!ds_select_dst($avp(routing_target), "4")) {
>         send_reply("404", "No destination");
>         exit;
>     }
> In lua part it looks like this (the nil part maybe broken per default,
> lua dont like vars with nil)
> --- dispatcher route
> function ksr_route_dispatch(direction, routing_target)
>     KSR.xlog.xinfo("new $fU -> $rU in routing_target ksr_route_dispatch");
>     KSR.info(routing_target);
>     if (routing_target == nil) then
>         KSR.xlog.xinfo("routing_target nil");
>         KSR.sl.sl_send_reply(604, "Does Not Exist Anywhere");
>         KSR.x.exit();
>     end
>     -- return code dispatcher.select NOT true - then 404
>     if (sr.dispatcher.select(routing_target, 4) ~= 1) then
>         KSR.sl.sl_send_reply(404, "No destination");
>         KSR.x.exit();
>     end
>     ksr_route_myheader(pathinfo);
>     ksr_route_relay();
>     KSR.x.exit();
> end
> -- 
> Kind Regards
> *Karsten Horsmann*
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