Am Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2018, 19:36:11 CEST schrieb Alex Balashov:
> By way of further answer:
> The use of a database as an interprocess communication mechanism is
> considered an antipattern (the opposite of a "best practice"):
> While relational databases perform the worst at this, the fundamental
> problem is using the database as a work queue for ephemeral/real-time
> data. Simply using a faster, and/or nonrelational database, doesn't
> remove the problem, it just makes the setup perform better. It's a
> difference of degree, not kind.
> Ultimately, databases — including in-memory key-value stores — are for
> storage, not for IPC. This doesn't stop them being routinely used as
> such by people who do not know how to write IPC mechanisms and
> middleware of their own. That's less excusable in an era with lots of
> prefabricated options, whether message queues (e.g. AMQP) or distributed
> systems closer to the application level (like DMQ).

Hello Alex,

you are right of course regarding the comments about the anti-pattern using 
databases as 

But IMHO there are valid use cases for storing a registration in a database, 
like access for 
third party applications. E.g. you have a front end that shows  customer care 
if a user is 
registered or not, and you don't want that this PHP GUI access directly your 
servers. Or you need to access the registration data in a big java enterprise 
for user contract status.

But in a smaller or more homogeneous environment its of course easier to 
synchronize the 
registration state with DMQ.

Best regards,

Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List

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