Am Freitag, 31. August 2018, 21:01:13 CEST schrieb Ginhoux, Patrick:
> Usually I connect on a command line like this ;
> su- mysql
> mysql
> use siprouter;
> If now I use
> mysql -u siprouter -p
> Enter password:
> mysql:siprouter:(none)> use siprouter;
> Database changed
> So I can connect the local server.

Hello Patrick,

just some ideas to help you troubleshoot the problem:

- maybe there is an issue with the socket file, that kamailio uses the wrong 
socket file?
- maybe kamailio don't have file system access rights to the socket file?
- maybe there is a mistake in the kamailio cfg or an old cfg file is used?
- enable mysql server logging and try to spot something in the log during the 
kamailio start

Best regards,


Henning Westerholt

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