
the notify transactions are unrelated to publish publish transaction.

Maybe you can try with t_set_retr() inside
event_route[tm:local-request], although not sure if it works...


On 20.11.18 17:45, Vasiliy Ganchev wrote:
> Hi, list!
> I have a tricky problem, need advise from the community.
> The problem I need to solve: 
> - have a SIP device, with a big number of BLFs configured, in some moment of
> time the device is slow to handle incoming SIP messages (a lot of NOTIFYs
> received), kamailio start retransmitting NOTIFYs, and the device get stuck.
> My idea is to change retransmits timeout for NOTIFYs that are sent out after
> handle_publish, so if get stuck, not to make "DoS" I have.
> What I tried:
> -  t_set_retr(5000, 10000); before handle_publish => does not work
> - my tm is compiled with DTM_DIFF_RT_TIMEOUT, and t_set_retr works for e.g.
> I have read the mailing list and also studied sources of presence and tm
> modules. I see that at the moment there is no way to solve what I want from
> config.
> My next steps are going to make some hacks in C code... at least to
> understand the code better and find some new insights
> Any other ideas? 
> Comments/ideas are highly welcomed!
> cheers
> --
> Sent from: http://sip-router.1086192.n5.nabble.com/Users-f3.html
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