I suspect you could check $rd or $du ?  Although I don’t quite understand
why you won’t know the realm to begin with based on the selection?

On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 03:59 Mack Hendricks <m...@dopensource.com> wrote:

> Hey All,
> So, I want to use the UAC module to handle Digest Auth to upstream
> carriers.  But, I don’t know which carrier will be selected until another
> module (dRouting in this case) tells the logic which carrier to use.
> I can see in the logs that the uac_auth function can capture the Auth
> Realm.  But, I need to access it from the Kamailio script so that I can
> lookup the credentials for that realm and then call uac_auth.  I’ve tried
> getting the info from $ar, but that gives me the realm of the inbound
> request versus the realm of the upstream carrier.  Also, I’ve tried
> using $T_rpl($ar), but that returns 0.  Here’s my logic from the Kamailio
> file:
>         if(t_check_status("401|407")) {
>                 $var(reply_realm) = $T_rpl($ar);
>                 $var(query)="select auth_username,auth_password from
> uacreg where realm='" + $var(reply_realm) + "'";
>                 sql_xquery("cb","$var(query)","rb");
>                 xlog("L_DEBUG","[MANAGE_FAILURE: Proxy Auth]: The query is
> $var(query) auth realm is $var(reply_realm) and the user name is
> $xavp(rb=>auth_username)");
>                 $avp(auser) = $xavp(rb=>auth_username);
>                 $avp(apass) = $xavp(rb=>auth_password);
>                 uac_auth();
>                 t_relay();
>                 exit;`
>         }
> A snippet of the log file is below:
> Jan 20 10:05:58 dsiprouter /usr/sbin/kamailio[2871]: exec: ***
> cfgtrace:failure_route=[DEFAULT_ROUTE] c=[/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg]
> l=1616 a=63 n=assign
> Jan 20 10:05:58 dsiprouter /usr/sbin/kamailio[2871]: exec: ***
> cfgtrace:failure_route=[DEFAULT_ROUTE] c=[/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg]
> l=1617 a=63 n=assign
> Jan 20 10:05:58 dsiprouter /usr/sbin/kamailio[2871]: exec: ***
> cfgtrace:failure_route=[DEFAULT_ROUTE] c=[/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg]
> l=1618 a=24 n=uac_auth
> Jan 20 10:05:58 dsiprouter /usr/sbin/kamailio[2871]: DEBUG: uac
> [auth.c:409]: uac_auth(): picked reply is 0x7f900cb7eaf0, code 407
> Jan 20 10:05:58 dsiprouter /usr/sbin/kamailio[2871]: DEBUG: uac
> [auth.c:225]: get_autenticate_hdr(): looking for header "Proxy-Authenticate"
> Jan 20 10:05:58 dsiprouter /usr/sbin/kamailio[2871]: DEBUG: uac
> [auth.c:429]: uac_auth(): header found; body=<Digest realm="
> sip.flowroute.com", nonce="XERJMlxESAbDNCK3INmBfoET1GGxpcyr", qop="auth">
> Jan 20 10:05:58 dsiprouter /usr/sbin/kamailio[2871]: DEBUG: uac
> [auth_hdr.c:209]: parse_authenticate_body(): <realm>="sip.flowroute.com"
> state=2
> Jan 20 10:05:58 dsiprouter /usr/sbin/kamailio[2871]: DEBUG: uac
> [auth_hdr.c:209]: parse_authenticate_body():
> <nonce>="XERJMlxESAbDNCK3INmBfoET1GGxpcyr" state=3
> Jan 20 10:05:58 dsiprouter /usr/sbin/kamailio[2871]: DEBUG: uac
> [auth_hdr.c:209]: parse_authenticate_body(): <qop>="auth" state=1
> Jan 20 10:05:58 dsiprouter /usr/sbin/kamailio[2871]: DEBUG: uac
> [auth.c:449]: uac_auth(): no credential for realm "sip.flowroute.com"
> Jan 20 10:05:58 dsiprouter /usr/sbin/kamailio[2871]: exec: ***
> cfgtrace:failure_route=[DEFAULT_ROUTE] c=[/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg]
> l=1619 a=24 n=t_relay
> Thanks in advance for any help
> Mack Hendricks
> dSIPRouter
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