> From: sr-users-boun...@lists.sip-router.org 
> [mailto:sr-users-boun...@lists.sip-router.org] On Behalf Of Suresh Bhandari
> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 2:01 AM
> To: sr-users@lists.sip-router.org
> Subject: [SR-Users] Kamailio/SIP Router in RHEL 5
> Hi,
> I wanted to run Kamailio/SIP Server in RHEL 5 (Being an RHCE, I prefer this 
> :)), but the INSTALL document you provided has no
> description based on that OS :(. I found that there are no RPMs for this as 
> well. Are you preparing them? or Do you have any plans for that? or you > 
> prefer me to change the OS. 
> Thanks and Regards,
> Suresh.

There is no reason you can't run Kamailio on RHEL 5.  I have been running 
Kamailio on CentOS 5 for quite some time and have never run into issues.

I'm not aware of any "official" (or even non-official for that matter) RPMs.  
There is a spec file, though, and while I've never tried to build an RPM using 
it I would think that it is at least close enough that a little bit of tweaking 
will get it where you need it to be.

- Brad

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