Am 22.08.2011 21:52, schrieb Rafal Boni:
> I know this might not be totally on-topic for the list, but I figured
> the list participants might have experience in this domain, so I'm
> lobbing it out there...
> I've got some situations where I'd like to connect users who are
> oftentimes sitting on very locked-down networks (ie, corporate networks)
> to some SIP-based VoIP infrastructure, but the idea of opening random
> UDP ports on the networks in question is a no-go.  As a result, I'm
> experimenting with TURN over TCP or TLS as a solution to enable
> connectivity... however, I can't find any clients that implement the
> latest specs (X-Lite 4 appears to speak an older version of the TURN
> protocol; QJsip doesn't work for me; etc. etc.).

ICE/TURN is not activated in QjSimple. Guess I should do that. Is TURN
over TCP/TLS a standard?


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