
On 8/29/11 7:45 PM, Camila Troncoso wrote:


I have a question about the assignment of Role permissions to limit some Users privileges in Siremis. I defined a user , and then a Role denying some actions, but I couldn't deny the action from de SER menu . The Role permissions only show the modules on Application Menu from Administration Tab . What if I want to deny access to some items inside SER Menu , like modifying the ACL services or /and Rounting services?

I guess you would have to assign roles to the SER menu components, working with the xml files inside ser module directory.

Maybe you can find some documentation on phpopenbiz/cubi site or just look at the modules in the application menu to reverse engineer the roles mechanism. So far Siremis extension for SER was created for admin level purposes.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- http://www.asipto.com
Kamailio Advanced Training, Oct 10-13, Berlin: http://asipto.com/u/kat
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