2014-04-19 (Sat) 20:46 UTC +0300  Olli Heiskanen 

> Weird thing is the client looks registered but I'm not sure if it really is
> registered. If I'm not mistaken I should see the peers when I issue 'sip
> show peers' on asterisk cli. Instead I get this:

Hi Olli

Some pointers:
Can you see users on Kamailio usrloc?
Can you see REGISTER requests arriving to Asterisk?
Are there any errors on Asterisk when REGISTER request is handled?

You should add some xlog() to AUTH, REGISTRAR and REGFWD routes in Kamailio.

Also, maybe you could provide these outputs:
kamcmd ul.lookup location 6...@testers.com
kamcmd ul.lookup location 6...@testers.com
kamcmd ul.dump
ngrep -d any -W byline -q port 5060 or port 5070

Mikko Lehto

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

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