
Since you are sharing location database, you might consider using Path.


 On 15 Mar 2015 08:52, "Niraj Roy" <techfa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>    Here is the setup I have configured.
>   --Two Kamailio K1, K2 Works as a registrar and call load balancer
>   -- Three freeswitch works as the media server.
>  -- They follow common MySQL database.
>  Regular call flow
>   User A---> Kamailio (K1)---> Freeswitch (F1)----Kamailio(K1)--->User B.
> Everything works fine as long as all users are registered and making call
> with single Kamailio. Now the problem starts when we distribute users on
> more than one kamailio.
>   Let us take the case.
>    UserA -- Registered over TCP with Kamailio (K1)
>    UserB -- Registered over TCP with Kamailio (K2)
> Now User A initiates a call.. It will follow the same path
> User A---> Kamailio (K1)---> Freeswitch (F1)----Kamailio(K1)--->User B.
> Since User B is registered with K2. K1 being a public server won't be able
> to initiate any call to User B because there is no TCP connection
> established with it.
>  Can anybody shade some light on this?
> Thanks,
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