

I sometimes get the following errors:


kamailio[16098]: ERROR: <core> [resolve.c:1693]: sip_hostport2su(): could
not resolve hostname: "mycompany.com"

kamailio[16098]: ERROR: tm [ut.h:319]: uri2dst2(): failed to resolve


mycompany.com cannot be resolved using DNS (there is no corresponding DNS
entry). I use this as a logical domain and I don't expect Kamailio to
resolve it. Also, I set use_domain (usrloc module) to 0 so only the RURI
username is used when searching locations.


The flow is as follows:


-the proxy receives the INVITE with sip:
<sip:%3cuser%3e@myloadbalancerip:5060> <user>@myloadbalancerip:5060 which
then forwards the INVITE to a proxy

-the proxy looks for <user> internally and finds that this user has multiple
subscribers (endpoints)

-for each subscriber, a branch is appended using append_branch (or the RURI
is replaced for the first subscriber) - the new RURI for each branch is sip:
<sip:%3csubscriber...@mycompany.com> <subscriber>@mycompany.com

-finally, lookup_branches is called to look for locations for every


lookup_branches only uses the subscriber (RURI username) for searching
locations since use_domain is set to 0.


However, I sometimes get the errors I mentioned.


Any idea why Kamailio sometimes tries to resolve the domain name?




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