I just took a printout of it and will be framing it in my office. :D

My vote for Alex B.
On Apr 1, 2016 07:27, "Alex Balashov" <abalas...@evaristesys.com> wrote:

> For immediate release:
> ATLANTA, GA (1 April 2016)--Alex J. Balashov, a self-styled
> businessman based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, has a plan to "Make
> Kamailio Great Again".
> "Evariste Systems is huge. My name is on the building," said
> Balashov of his iconic VoIP consulting brand.
> "And you know what, I have been very successful. Everybody loves me."
> Balashov has capitalised on a contentious election cycle marked by
> deep political polarisation, growing income inequality and geopolitical
> challenges such as global terrorism. And his sharp message of alarm
> about the declining influence of the Kamailio SIP server project has
> resonated with increasing numbers in the CxO suite, vaulting him to
> the lead in the race for the IETF SIP Working Group nomination,
> according to recent polls of primary voters.
> He has been quick to tout his competitive credentials in a tough
> global open-source ecosystem. At a recent colloqium on unified
> communications, he asked:
> "When was the last time anybody saw us beating, let's say, OpenSIPS
> in Git commits? They kill us. I beat OpenSIPS all the time. All the
> time."
> As Balashov sees it, a major cause of the beleaguered Kamailio
> project's woes lies in its liberal patch acceptance policy and
> lax scrutiny of third-party contributions:
> "When GitHub sends its people, they're not sending their best.
> They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending
> people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those
> problems. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're
> rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
> He has proposed a controversial solution that has drawn ire from
> liberal ranks in the open-source community, but has also attracted
> applause and standing ovations at his speaking engagements:
> "We have to have a firewall around the Kamailio source code. We
> have to have an access control list. And in that firewall, we're
> going to have a big fat door where commits and pull requests can
> come into the master branch, but they have to come in legally.
> The firewall will go up, and GitHub will start behaving."
> Balashov's firewall proposal has been met with scorn from critics who
> deride it as impractical and quixotic. In particular, commentators
> have raised questions about funding and resources as well as GitHub's
> willingness to entertain a boundary around a project in its vicinity.
> Balashov isn't concerned, however:
> "I will build a great firewall--and nobody builds firewalls better
> than me, believe me--and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will
> build a great, great stateful packet inspection wall on our border
> with GitHub, and I will make GitHub pay for that wall. Mark my words."
> He has also been rebuked by rival IETF leadership candidates for his
> often acerbic Twitter remarks directed at Lennart Poettering and the
> developers of "firewalld". As he sees it, however, the network effects
> of social media are a strength:  "My Twitter has become so powerful
> that I can actually make my enemies tell the truth." He scoffed at
> the suggestion that his characterisations of industry actors behind
> the RedHat-led "systemd" movement are misleading:
> "RedHat was the worst Steward of Linux in the history of the kernel.
> There has never been a Steward so bad as RedHat. The source code
> blew up around us. We lost everything, including all synergies.
> There wasn't one good thing that came out of that administration or
> them being Stewards of Linux."
> Balashov's idiosyncratic campaign is not standing still. He has proven
> to be a capable populist, adapting rapidly to an evolving sense of the
> kinds of pronouncements that activate his swelling crowds of devotees.
> Along the way, he has deftly deflected calls to subject his policy
> proposals to expert review.
> "I know what I'm doing, and I listen to a lot of people, I talk to
> a lot of people, and at the appropriate time I'll tell you who
> the people are. But I speak to a lot of people, but my primary
> consultant is myself, and I have a good instinct for this stuff."
> At a recent gathering of SIP stack interoperability specialists,
> Balashov the latest pillar of his platform to "Make Kamailio Great
> Again", in view of growing security vulnerabilities in the latest
> Kamailio modules:
> "Alex J. Balashov is calling for a total and complete shutdown of
> commits entering the master branch from the territory of the European
> Union until our project's representatives can figure out what's going
> on. According to Netcraft, among others, there are a lot of buffer
> overflows in Kamailio by large segments of the EU population."
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