Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your reply. I dug in a bit more and found out that the sipml5
doesn't calculate the digest correctly when AKAv1MD5 or v2 is selected as
default (have no idea why). So, I set the default authentication algorithm
as Digest MD5 and now I can register the UE.


On 17 October 2016 at 11:47, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <mico...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> maybe you can get more hints about what happens there by running with
> debug=3 inside the kamailio cfg.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On 14/10/16 17:40, Serhat Guler wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to register sipml5 webrtc client to my kamailio IMS setup. I
> have tried to register the client both with ws and wss, but it seems to be
> that the sipml5 doesn't calculate the authentication digest right. The
> authentication mechanism i set to AKAv1-MD5 as default in the hss. A simple
> wireshark file is attached. .10 being the host, .11 being the kamailio
> server.
> From the output of scscf we can see that the digests do not match.
> [REGISTER] from [sip:b...@net1.test] to [sip:b...@net1.test]
> ims_auth [authorize.c:824]: authenticate(): uri=sip:net1.test
> nonce=rB2iDuerHwoy+LUStSOsYojAESfWmAAApFZ3XNB8FdA= response=
> 61cbdbeb47c9880ededfca51c3801800 qop=auth-int nc=00000001 cnonce=
> 2d4545cf4c935c8094c8b1da3d4a2976 hbody=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
> ims_auth [authorize.c:872]: authenticate(): UE said:
> 61cbdbeb47c9880ededfca51c3801800 and we expect
> 7e27ef414cf37d96cd1c849bb7e59415 ha1 a53988ba0b257941bc747b1026225c77
> tm [tm.c:1265]: w_t_reply(): ERROR: t_reply: cannot send a t_reply to a
> message for which no T-state has been established
> Thanks a lot,
> Serhat
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> Kamailio Advanced Training, Berlin, Oct 24-26, 2016 - http://www.asipto.com
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