Hello Daniel,

thanks for the info. Maybe it’s better to put the module into status 


> Am 21.03.2017 um 11:53 schrieb Daniel-Constantin Mierla <dan...@kamailio.org>:
> Hello,
> unfortunately the module db_cassandra was not really maintained and it has 
> been reported to have issues even at start up. No one has picked it up yet to 
> get it up to date, hopefully someone will do it at some point. I don't use 
> and I don't have any access to a testbed with cassandra, so I was not able to 
> assist with it.
> db_mongodb should work from the no-SQL db connectors we have.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> March 21, 2017 9:56 AM, "Markus Bönke" <m...@tenios.de 
> <mailto:%22Markus%20B%C3%B6nke%22%20<m...@tenios.de>>> wrote:
> Hello,
> We are thinking about to use kamailio as a sip registrar with cassandra as db 
> backend. As I can see in the documentation for kamailio 5.0 it is only tested 
> with Casandra 1.1.6 and 1.0.1, current version is 3.10 in the meantime. Is 
> anyone using this module with newer versions of Cassandra? Is it stable?
> Thanks and regards
> Markus
> --
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla
> www.kamailio.org -- www.asipto.com
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