
php support in apache is not installed/enabled -- on Ubuntu 16.04 you have to 
install the php module for apache, which is no longer installed by default when 
installing php (as it was done for past versions).

Should be a package named like libapache2-mod-php or so.


March 21, 2017 1:58 PM, kai.ohnac...@cbc.de (mailto:kai.ohnac...@cbc.de) wrote:
        Hello Community, 

        I installed the Kamailio 4.4 and try to install the Siremis GUI based 
on apache 2.4.  

        If I try to start the Siremis Wizard, the Webserver display the 
following line: “location.href='$url'"; exit; } ?>”. 

        The starting page of apache 2.4 is working fine, but the /siremis page 

        Due the installation I take the dedicated apache 2.4 commands.  

        Are there some further requirements? Some ideas? 

        OS: Ubuntu 16.04 

        Thanks a lot. 

        Cheers, Kai  

Daniel-Constantin Mierla
www.kamailio.org -- www.asipto.com
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