
On 29/03/2017 10:52, Anonim Stefan wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying some logging via UDP, using log_custom module.
> I've noticed that the logs are always sent through the first interface
> in the config "listen=" rows.
> Now, is there a way to listen on that interface, in order to log_udp()
> on it, without being able to send/receive any SIP on it? (i.e.
> disabling SIP capability and use it only for logging via UDP)
it is not something that can be restricted via parameters, if kamailio
is listening on a socket via 'listen', then the traffic is shipped to
config interepreter --  but you can have in request_route and
reply_route a condition on dst_ip/dst_port or $Ri/$Rp and if it is
matching the socket, you just drop the traffic.

Of course, using firewall is another way, but not related to kamailio at

There could be an enhancement for the log_custom module to use its own
socket, not the one from the core listen list.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
www.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio Advanced Training - May 22-24 (USA) - www.asipto.com
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