At 08:16 AM 5/2/01 -0400, you wrote:
>I notice that there are no crown stays above the firebox in Henk's design.  
>Would that be a problem at the 60 psi working pressure noted in the writeup?
>Casey Sterbenz

    A combination of things does away with the need for them.  The crown
sheet of course is actually a "beam" and as such must either be short and
stout, or be supported along its length.  In this case the "beam" is very
short, and through a combination of material thickness, the staying effect
of the firebox sides, and the "corrugation"-like rolls in the crown, it is
made self-staying.   The "corrugated firebox" was used quite a bit in full
size traction and portable engines.  In the case of Henke's boiler my only
concern would be what effect a 120psi hydro test will have on that crown
sheet.  Maybe none, depending upon the thickness of the metal.

Harry Wade
Nashville, Tn

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