To All

Has anyone an Accucraft C-21 or a K-27  and if so have you had
problems with the left fire going out? This is the tube with the
superheater running through it. Theoretical this tube should re-ignite
due to the Stainless superheater glowing. It does not.  a number of
experiments are in progress eg. regulating the air flow on the right
tube, which it seems never goes out! a Stainless steel fine mesh gauze
has reduced the problem, etc.  I would be pleased for any thoughts on
the problem. Accucraft burners generally are being replaced by burners
of 8mm dia. and about 100mm long these have three rows of holes at 3mm
offset pitch 1.5mm dia.  This kills the whistle and increases the burn
time from a tank of gas Some Accucraft burners have 10mm burners and
the 8mm burners are just bushed into the jet assembly. It would be
nice to find the problem though before replacing the burners. Thank
you in advance for your thoughts on this one.

Dienstag, 04. Jänner 2005

Bert &  Edmunda

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