Hi, I spent many hours debugging SSSD in different scenarios last week and I admit it wasn't always easy -- and I have the source code knowledge I can use. I imagine it's considerably harder for users and admins..
So this is a brainstorm request on how can we make debugging with SSSD easier. Maybe there are some low-hanging fruits that can be fixed easily. Off the top of my head: - it should be easier to see start and end of a request in the back end. Instead of: [be_get_account_info] (0x0200): Got request for [0x1001][1][name=admin] [acctinfo_callback] (0x0100): Request processed. Returned 0,0,Success (Success) We could make the debug messages more explicit: [be_get_account_info] (0x0200): Received request for [object=user][key=name][value=admin] [acctinfo_callback] (0x0200): Finished request for [object=user][key=name][value=admin]. Returned 0,0,Success Then we could document the messages in our troubleshooting document. Please note I'm not proposing to turn debug messages into any kind of API and keep them the same forever, but decorate the usual flow with messages that make sense without source level knowledge. - same for authentication - same for responder cache requests. We seem to have gotten better with the new cache_req code there, so this is mostly about using the new code in all responders. But also the commands we receive from sockets should be printed in human-readable form. - Running sssd in environment where all actions complete successfully should emit no debug messages. Default log level should be moved to SSSDBG_OP_FAILURE or CRIT_FAILURE. (This basically amounts to checking all OP, FATAL and CRIT failure messages..) The reason is that sometimes sssd fails, but because logging is totally silent, we don't know what happened at all. Currently we have a couple of small bugs where we might print a loud DEBUG message just because we search for an entry which is not there etc. - anything that causes SSSD to fail to start should also emit a syslog message. Admins don't really know about sssd debug logs. - our man pages are not structured well, especially the LDAP man page is too big and contains too many options. One reason I'm bringing this up now is that we'll have a new SSSD developer starting soon and these might be nice tasks to start with AND they're also needed. _______________________________________________ sssd-devel mailing list sssd-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org https://lists.fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/sssd-devel