On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 12:33:45PM +0100, Robin McCorkell wrote:
> Are you sure?

You are right and I was wrong, sorry. I based my comment on the contents
of src/providers/ad/ad_opts.h where the nis* values are defined. But only
now I've actually tested the AD provider and I see that the constants
are only defined but never used. We should fix that along with fixing:

> That's not what the code in providers/ldap/ldap_options.c
> says:
> https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/sssd.git/tree/src/providers/ldap/ldap_options.c#n484
> I found the autofs attribute maps in providers/ad/ad_opts.h, but they
> don't seem to be connected to anything, and besides, they only activate
> when the AD provider is enabled,

The AD provider internally sets it ldap_schema value to be 'ad', so
using id_provider=ldap with ldap_schema=ad should be equivalent
(attribute-mapping-wise) to using id_provider=ad

> not when the AD LDAP schema is enabled
> but the LDAP provider is in use (I think).

ACK to your patch.
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