On (10/08/15 17:18), Michal Židek wrote:
>On 08/06/2015 01:39 PM, Lukas Slebodnik wrote:
>>On (05/08/15 13:41), Michal Židek wrote:
>>>On 07/30/2015 06:08 PM, Lukas Slebodnik wrote:
>>>>>>>-    } else if (version < CONFDB_VERSION_INT) {
>>>>>>>-                "Config file is an old version. "
>>>>>>>-                 "Please run configuration upgrade script.\n");
>>>>>>>-        ret = EINVAL;
>>>>>>>-        goto done;
>>>>>>>-    } else if (version > CONFDB_VERSION_INT) {
>>>>>>>-                "Config file version is newer than confdb\n");
>>>>>>>-        ret = EINVAL;
>>>>>>>-        goto done;
>>>>>>>+        /* No known version. Use default. */
>>>>>>>+              "Value of config_file_version option not found. "
>>>>>>>+              "Assumed to be version %d.\n", 
>>>>>>>+    } else {
>>>>>>>+        version = sss_ini_get_int_config_value(init_data,
>>>>>>>+                                               -1, &ret);
>>>>>>>+        if (ret != EOK) {
>>>>>>>+            DEBUG(SSSDBG_FATAL_FAILURE,
>>>>>>>+                    "Config file version could not be determined\n");
>>>>                       ^^
>>>>I do not prefer nested "if"s. If you decided to do it in this way then
>>>Me neither, but sss_ini_get_int_config_value() has to be
>>>skipped conditionally. It is just call to the function
>>>plus error checking that is nested. I think it is not
>>>too bad in this case.
>>>>you shoudl have proper indentation.
>>>Fixed in the new version.
>>It works because integration tests passed.
>>But ...
>>I tested new version with ipa-client-install
>>and "config_file_version = 2" is still added to sssd.conf
>>even though it is a default value.
>>ipa-client-install uses our python API (python-sssdconfig)
>>and it does not try to add this option itself.
>I often change version of SSSD with git checkout sssd<version>.
>If I generate the config with realmd or ipa-client-install
realmd do not use python module SSSDConfig.

>with latest version then the config_version_file
>would need to be added manually (and I am pretty
>sure it would be after I looked into logs to see why sssd
>is not starting). I know this will probably only hit
>testers/developers, but I would prefer not to add unnecessary
just developers and developers useually join machine
to AD or IPA just once.

>little inconveniences.
I do not try old sssd version very often. Just in case of bisect.
and ther is nice/simple workarount for "little inconvenience"

Just manually add "config_version_file = 2" to sssd.conf

The main point of this ticket is to simplify sssd.conf
and our python sssdconfig API should do the same.
Otherwise we do not need to do such change.

I still see "config_file_version = 2" in sssd.conf
It was generated by python module SSSDConfig (via ipa-client-install)

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