URL: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/pull/570
Title: #570: p11_child: add OpenSSL support

jhrozek commented:

> On 30 May 2018, at 12:39, sumit-bose <notificati...@github.com> wrote:
> About /etc/sssd/pki, I'm sorry, I didn't understood you correctly in the 
> first place. You suggested to use a directory based CA store (e.g. 
> TLS_CACERTDIR of OpenLDAP) instead of a file based one (e.g. TLS_CACERT of 
> OpenLDAP). If prefer the file bases one because of do not have run some 
> rehash command to create the needed link in the directory store and you can 
> easy link it to other files based stores like e.g. the IPA one.
> Nevertheless we can you /etc/sssd/pki to that the file name will be 
> /etc/sssd/pki/sssd_auth_ca_db.pem. The upcoming file with the CRL will then 
> be /etc/sssd/pki/sssd_auth_crl.pem. And if there is really a need for a 
> directory store we can add e.g. /etc/sssd/pki/ca_certs/.

I tried to suggest TLS_CACERT  from the start, I just don’t like putting files 
in the /etc/sssd directory because if we ever want to have e.g. some different 
access control to a subset of the files, it’s easier to do if the files are in 
a directory. And if there are multiple related files (like the CRL you 
mentioned) it’s cleaner to have them in the same directory.

> Do you agree?

Yes, I do.

See the full comment at 
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