URL: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/pull/636
Title: #636: failover: tune up default timeouts

sumit-bose commented:

my suggestion would be to lower the "lower level" timeouts and to do this only 
for the AD provider for a start.

The reasoning is that imo we can assume that an AD environment is "sufficiently 
well maintained" that there should be no need to wait more then 1s for a reply 
from a DNS server.

RESOLV_TIMEOUTMS which is currently hardcode to 2000 ms (2s) is actually the 
time SSSD will wait for a reply from a single DNS server. After that the next 
DNS server in the list is tried. It would make sense to make this configurable 
and lower it for the AD provider to 1000 (1s) or even a bit lower.

If we say we want at least have the chance to try 3 DNS servers, 
dns_resolver_op_timeout can be 3s. (Btw the man page entry for 
dns_resolver_op_timeout has to be fixed because is says "How long would SSSD 
talk to a single DNS server." but it is as you said above "timeout for single 
dns query").

I would try to avoid touching ldap_opt_timeout since, as you said, it is used 
in various places. Maybe a dedicated failover timeout can be added for 

@jhrozek mentioned that it might be possible to keep the c-ares state around so 
that when there was a timeout talking to one DNS server the state with the next 
server which replied in time is used for upcoming request well. Currently a new 
DNS request will start with the same server which showed the timeout, so for 
sequences like looking up a SRV record and then resolve a single host from the 
returned list we have to wait twice for the first DNS server not replying. But 
since this is an improvement which is not strictly related to the default 
timeout values this can of course be solve in a different ticket/PR.



See the full comment at 
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